Just In
for Evening the Score

2/10/2017 c1 Yasmin7
pulled no please no!
7/11/2016 c1 Guest
It was really blah. So hopefully you write it MUCH better if you're going to be pulling to publish.
5/22/2016 c1 Zveka
5/14/2016 c10 1divyvicki
That was unexpected.
5/10/2016 c20 Guest
holy fucking shit what a brilliant story! Thank you so much for sharing. Hope all is well! xxxx
5/10/2016 c9 divyvicki
Great chapter.
4/30/2016 c7 divyvicki
Yeah, he came to her!
4/24/2016 c6 divyvicki
Sad chapter. Hope he picks New York
4/22/2016 c9 Guest
OMG as you go thru this do you read your ANs? It's a history of FF. MotU part 2. Robsten in Montreal, lol. I have no clue if it was real or not. I believed. But I am always Rob first. I am curious how this will be reworked for publication.
4/22/2016 c8 Guest
Seeing recs of stories no longer on FF is sad.
Been so long since I first read this. Still holds up! Good luck publishing.
4/18/2016 c5 divyvicki
Great chapter
4/9/2016 c20 Vivi H88
Great story :)
3/26/2016 c2 divyvicki
Wow, that was really steamy!
3/26/2016 c1 divyvicki
Love this, can't wait to read more!
3/1/2016 c20 anafinchel
Loved this story so much! It was great and they are such a cute couple!
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