7/11/2016 c1 Guest
It was really blah. So hopefully you write it MUCH better if you're going to be pulling to publish.
It was really blah. So hopefully you write it MUCH better if you're going to be pulling to publish.
5/10/2016 c20 Guest
holy fucking shit what a brilliant story! Thank you so much for sharing. Hope all is well! xxxx
holy fucking shit what a brilliant story! Thank you so much for sharing. Hope all is well! xxxx
4/22/2016 c9 Guest
OMG as you go thru this do you read your ANs? It's a history of FF. MotU part 2. Robsten in Montreal, lol. I have no clue if it was real or not. I believed. But I am always Rob first. I am curious how this will be reworked for publication.
OMG as you go thru this do you read your ANs? It's a history of FF. MotU part 2. Robsten in Montreal, lol. I have no clue if it was real or not. I believed. But I am always Rob first. I am curious how this will be reworked for publication.
4/22/2016 c8 Guest
Seeing recs of stories no longer on FF is sad.
Been so long since I first read this. Still holds up! Good luck publishing.
Seeing recs of stories no longer on FF is sad.
Been so long since I first read this. Still holds up! Good luck publishing.
3/1/2016 c20 anafinchel
Loved this story so much! It was great and they are such a cute couple!
Loved this story so much! It was great and they are such a cute couple!