Just In
for Strawberry Assassin

5/7/2013 c14 8Yulisa
Please put up another chapter or something with the new aithors name when you've made your decision...and I hope he or she will be as good with this story as you are...
5/2/2013 c1 Mimi
Hey, I'm not sure if your aware, but one million yen is only at current exchange rate US$10 222.54
4/25/2013 c14 Guest
4/25/2013 c5 phoenix220
Hmmm can anyone say incest? Just kidding love the plot quite fast but hey its just a story- too many folk get hung up on realism- while reading about cartoon characters. Btw cant be bothered to sign in when reading on tablet. Xx
4/25/2013 c3 phoenix220
Hey loving the story, ichi kicking ass is always fun. I'm going to keep reading now. Xxx
12/4/2012 c13 Yulisa
awesome story xD
but why did ichi and grimm hafta get seperated before they even had sex? D:
11/7/2012 c13 SilentAnon
I'm so terribly sorry but i forgot to type the names if you were considering my pet request (-/-)...anyways they're Sloth or Wrath again terribly sorry
11/7/2012 c13 Silent Anon
I really love your story its so interesting and unique and i really don't want to bother you :/ but can i request for Ichi to have another pet? Maybe a Siberian Husky you know the Copper colored ones with the Bi-eyes or a Dogo Argentino or maybe a smaller breed like a French Bulldog or Boston Terrier? Again I'm sorry but please keep on updating :D
10/31/2012 c13 TokenAsian
I love it
10/25/2012 c13 22Loreto W
Waaaaaaa I just noticed my review was split in two: (I hope I don't bother you, but I will post the rest here)
"I am hereby removing this story, and by this story I mean both Frozen Love and Strawberry Assassin. Although I posted this on Being a Mother as well, it will stay up. Ah, and we just reached the point where you wish to post another hateful comment. If that is what you wish, then please, dear god, do it. However, I dare you, I dare you, to make it reasonable and intellectual. Perhaps, if you are capable of that small task, I might reconsider. Do not think I crave your attention, because I don't. In fact, to you hateful reviewers, I'm very glad that I never have to become friends with you, and I'm to the point of feeling sorry for those that do. Hopefully, in the future, you try either meditation or medication, because both of them work quite well."

This sound terrible. It shows the worst of you as a person and a writer. You said your hateful reviewes were throwing out a curse word and throwing a tantrum like a child. But it's the same thing you have just done with your response.

After this... Can you blame people for not wanting to read anything else from you or don't even want to recognize you as a writer?

I think that with all this you lost all the respect you had. All the followers you had. And you ruined yourself as a writer in my humble opinion.

I know you have all the right to be angry and pissed of because of those stupid comments of retarded people. But most of them were right. You never recognized that with humility or said that maybe you were wrong in approach your readers with blackmail. And the way in which you despicted people...

I really hope you think twice and don't let people more down or dissapointed of what they are already are with removing your story. On the contrary, I think that you are the one who should apologize, because after all this I think that you were pretty much rude.

I personally won't like to follow or read a writer like you. And if you don't appreciate your readers or people or you value so little your stories... then you should consider if you want to keep your account or dissapear. But don't play with your readers, because that is what you have been doing.

I hope you feel better and calm down to reconsider your decision and think for the first time about your reader. You owe then an apologize. I really hope you feel better and I didn't write this to offend you or anything. I'm a writer myself and I'm a reader myself. I'm the kind of reader who love dearly stories, who support her favorite author with her soul, who love them and value them. And I'm the kind of writer who appreciate her readers, who thanks them dearly for their support who has gone very far because of them and who on the contrary like you would never turn her back on them or dissapoint them or blackmail them as in my opinion you have been doing with your kind of childish behaviour.

I hope you good luck and my best wishes and I hope you feel better and remember readers like Tiger of India and the other ones.

(sorry for the mess) And hope you are doing fine.
10/25/2012 c14 Loreto W
Hello! I hope when you read this you are fine. I was going to send you this as a private message. But I changed my mind, since I don't want to have any problems with you and your hate or angry side, because of your response to the reviews full of hate you received. So I decided to send you this with my account, my identity to express my point.

I started to read both of your Grimmichi stories "Being a Mother" and Strawberry Assassin and even though I didn't read them completely, neither Strawberry Assassin or Being a Mother because they are not complete and hate to read stories in progress I can say so far that you are A GREAT WRITER.

Your writing style is beautiful, as well as your narration and descriptions, your plots are very interesting and you sure know how to captivate your readers. You have talent! That's obvious, there is no wonder of how great you are writing and why you have received so many reviews of people encouraging you and supporting you to write more and update!

I really was enjoying your stories! But because I sometimes become to obssesed or stories affect greatly my mood and I'm very suicidal I decided not to keep on reading, because they weren't complete. But when I read the last chapter you have published, and I always do that so I can now if the story so far ends in its last chapter with a happy or sad ending I read your annoucement.

And I have to say that I share Kanami-chan and Granad's opinion and other revieweres's opinion.

I understand you wanted to support your friend's page with likes. However, for a reader like me, like Kanami, like Granad, like Macel and his/her comment in "being a mother" XzombiebubblesX in being a mother and Tiger of Fire they are all absolutely right.

For a reader who loves your story, who supports you, who encourages you who takes time to read your stories, who is always waiting for you to update, wondering when will you update, thinking about you, your wonderfulm great and awesome stories. It's pretty dissapointed to read an author in this case you come with something many thought was a new chapter to read it was an annoucement wich sounded pretty much annoying.


Because it was awful I mean. Your annoucement it was annoying. I'm really sorry my first language is Spanish and I don't know how to express myself better.

But you threatened people, your readers, the people who supported you since the beginning, who loved you, admired you, who encouraged you, who worshipped you saying them that you wouldn't update a single chapter if the page of your friend didn't receive likes. You said for every 30 likes her pages received you would update immediately one chapter. So first...

You asked people to give likes to the page "Agen Taga" a pretty much very ugly page. There is an ugly dog in that page (I don't like dogs since one attacked me when I was a child) sorry I say this, but seriously I understand you love your friend. But the page "Agent Taga" in facebook doesn't make any sense. It doesn't have a purpose. It doesn't have anything. It's about nothing. It doesn't help anything. It doesn't promote anything. it's about nothing. What is the purpose of the page? What is the importance of the page? I personally follow pages that are important to me or have relation with my ideals or belief. Like "support yaoi" "Grimmichi" "against mistreating animals" or things like that. But I won't follow the page of your friend or even give like, sorry but it's ugly, it's boring, it's kind of silly. I can't understand why would you want us to put like in a page like that! Of course it's a single like, it's something easy to do. But just seeing that ugly and silly page it kind of pisses me off, because I can't really believe you expected people to put likes to that ugly page so you uploaded your chapter. That's is blackmail, it's a way of threated your precious readers. And you didn't even ask nicely or say "please" you just came and put "if you she doesn't receive likes I won't update, but for every 30 likes I'll update a new chapter over and over again" so that means...

That if the page would have received 300 likes you would have to upload 10 chapters and that makes me wonder...

If you were so eager and decided to upload 1 chapter for every 30 comments. Does that mean that you have already written this whole story... Because it's impossible you have updated in case of receive the likes writing many chapters the same day. So that must only mean you have this story already written more of what you have published so far...

On the other hand, I agree with Kanami-chan, begs reviews, blackmail readers to receive reviews or in this case give like to a page they don't give a damn it's pretty pathetic. Have you seen awesome writer like Racey, .cake, Petulant Prodigy begs miserably for reviews? Blackmail people for them? Threat them because of them or for another reason like you did? They have never done that, and sensible people don't that, specially sensible writers, because they write for love and for their readers. But you sounded very spoiled, childish and selfish. I would have never helped someone how didn't have the humility to say: "please" and that's is the most basic way of ask a favor or something. But you came with blackmail and that's is terrible!

That's why Granad was angry and said it was a shame. And Macel-san also said she won't read anything for you. Who would want to read someone of an author who doens't seem to make up her mind and do that to her readers?

Now Himeko14X is totally right! Those people who come and insult you are nothing but cowards and retarded! Specially if they even don't identify themselves. But don't let them make you feel down, because are shit.

However, now that you decided to delete your stories. I think you are dissapointing more people. (I personally enjoyed your stories and I was going to comment, but I didn't like your message of joining that ugly and pointless page, even more it was very difficult to arrive because the link you provided didn't work at all)

I'm not one of your readers and I didn't spend time reading your stories, waiting for them, supporting you, loving them or obssessed with them. But If I was your reader I would feel devastated, because you are tuning your back on your readers.

Tiger of Fire who commented on Being a mother, it was definetely one of your readers. And as she said people have all the right to be angry with you. Please, I hope you realize you can't threat your readers like that. And that you REALLY can't expect people to be ok with you demanding like for an ugly page. That piss people off.

Seriously, think about it. How would you feel if you were in love with someone story and this author you love so much come and ask you to join the page of something you hate the most or something you don't give a flying fuck about it because if the page doesn't receive X things it won't update? And it's only playing with her readers. Doesn't give a fuck about them. Doesn't care about them. And only wants selfishly something. Well that was the image you gave people who read that message or at least that was my case.

Now do you appreciate your readers? Do you give a damn about your readers? Do you value them? Or do you write because of being famous or something? Because so far as a person who have been following the whole thing reader the comments and everything. You have been dissapointed people.

And now I have just read the reviews you received for "Frozen Love" Devilgirl69 and the person who write "hey" even if they were cowards are right. But True love-IchiHichi is right.

Then will you end up dissapointed True-Love-IchiHichi who supported you that whole story? Tiger of Fire? and all the people who probably haven't read the notice yet?

Now how can you say in your "My reponse"

"First off, to all of you who cussed me off through a guest account: You all are truly hilarious. Not only are you complete and utter chickens, but you're also some of the most unintelligent sounding scum I've ever seen over the internet. If you are going to write something like that and not even give me a chance to respond to you, I have no hope for you. Either you are a child, or you have the IQ of a child. Either way, I fear for you."

(You are totally agree, but those cowars were also very much right)

And please stop being contradictory... You wrote this "My response" for people to read it. But then you said:

"So please, don't pay attention to the hate quite literally pouring out of me onto this page. It's not for you."

And then ask:

"I don't know how I possibly attracted this kind of crowd to my stories, but if you are so full of hate and disgust over something you could have just ignored, I do not want you anywhere near my stories. Perhaps, had some of you even tried to logically state your opinion without throwing out a curse word and throwing a tantrum like a child, then maybe this whole thing would be ending differently."

How can you expect your readers who were there since you first published the first chapter of your stories to ignore you, specially when you made them decide that if they wanted to read more of you they will have to put "likes" or you won't update. It wasn't something for them to ignore.

"So, if you were one of those people who said "I'm not reading anything by you anymore", please, I beg of you, don't. Go pollute someone else's work instead of mine. Even better, write something of your own."

Then why do you write if you don't care people opinion?

"I am hereby removing this story, and by this story I mean both Frozen Love and Strawberry Assassin. Although I posted this on Being a Mother as well, it will stay up. Ah, and we just reached the point where you wish to post another hateful comment. If that is what you wish, then please, dear god, do it. However, I dare you, I dare you, to make it reasonable and intellectual. Perhaps, if you are capable of that small task, I migh
10/25/2012 c13 Lampan
Okey, now I understand why you feel like quiting writing. But seriously, guilt trip someone for something so little. I felt bad for just liking cuz I wanted another chapter. But no people just have to go and get crazy for something so little. Seriously, think what you do/say Before you make other's hurt! And just assuming and saying, that even bader then doing it for your own good. She/he (dun really know...) says she's trying to help a friend, and even I she/he did it for their own good they must a reason to do it. Anyways I still support you Lemon-San, please continue if you feel like it!
10/25/2012 c14 Lampan
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no! You can't! No, you really can't take away this! Don't listen to what people say! I don't really know what's going on but but but! A-and I know how much it can hurt if you get a coment/review thats real evil shit, but think about all peopl who like/love you! Like I also have real real bad habit not to review cuz I wouldnt care if people didnt on mine(that I don't have). I'm not trying to guilt trip you or anything it's just... I really love this story, one of the best I gotta say. I just wish that you can try to do more, if you feel like it, you don't have to. Umm... Please do more and live as happy as you can. :)
10/25/2012 c14 fallowell
10/25/2012 c14 Honeybunbun
*finally reaches the last chapter* ... What? was going so well... Are you going to post these somewhere else? I hope you do c: if you are then I would love to know where. I really enjoyed this story. I don't see why everybody's coming at you like this. Insulting you and your stories, it's not fair.
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