8/15/2011 c1 WishIHadAnAccount
Love this story! You are officially awesome! Author, you have been formerly recognized as awesome by a fellow Maurauder! I bow to your funny one-shots!
Love this story! You are officially awesome! Author, you have been formerly recognized as awesome by a fellow Maurauder! I bow to your funny one-shots!
1/27/2011 c1 2Dr.BadassInABlueBox
ncie one! but..just a suggestion...er...couldn't you add another chap or two? that woul;d be aweosme! :D
ncie one! but..just a suggestion...er...couldn't you add another chap or two? that woul;d be aweosme! :D
7/28/2010 c1 30PsychoticNari
wow, i question your sanity, though i question mine too so it doesnt matter XD
wow, i question your sanity, though i question mine too so it doesnt matter XD
7/9/2010 c1 16Goose-chan
lol... epicly fantastical XD
I ish in it. Therefore I musht favorite it...
*clicks the little Add Story to Favorites box*
lol... epicly fantastical XD
I ish in it. Therefore I musht favorite it...
*clicks the little Add Story to Favorites box*