7/22/2010 c6
Really good chapter. Very hot. maybe it will take a long time to right her apartment and they will decide to move in together. pls ud soon! I can't wait to read more.

Really good chapter. Very hot. maybe it will take a long time to right her apartment and they will decide to move in together. pls ud soon! I can't wait to read more.
7/22/2010 c6 LIZ03
wow that was great and very emotional for them, and I loved how he told her, that she ruiened him nice touch..
wow that was great and very emotional for them, and I loved how he told her, that she ruiened him nice touch..
7/19/2010 c5 Angela Mueller
See, talking isn't so bad, it leads to things like: great sex. Enjoyed the chapter very much.
See, talking isn't so bad, it leads to things like: great sex. Enjoyed the chapter very much.
7/16/2010 c5 LIZ03
love this story , loved how he just told her he loved her without all the worries of what if's, great chapter please keep it coming
love this story , loved how he just told her he loved her without all the worries of what if's, great chapter please keep it coming
7/16/2010 c5 Isabella's Mom
Very sweet I'm glad they had that discussion and seemed farily authentic can't wait to see what else happens.
Very sweet I'm glad they had that discussion and seemed farily authentic can't wait to see what else happens.
7/15/2010 c5
7Writer Formerly Known as FM
there's nothing wrong with talky. because after they talk and they sort everything out there can be more smut. see, talking is good.

there's nothing wrong with talky. because after they talk and they sort everything out there can be more smut. see, talking is good.