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7/15/2010 c1 Isabella's Mom
Hey I don't know if you know but chapter 5 is acting crazy
7/15/2010 c5 6rangergirl1234
Yay! So glad he was able to "man up!". Looking forward to seeing where you take this story, and how the summary comes in to play in the story line.
7/15/2010 c4 24jago-ji
In Chapter 3, I loved the 'inner Lester' line. And Chapter 4, well what's not to love. Ranger in all his raging glory. Yum! Good chapter-good story, keep em coming...
7/15/2010 c5 4lea-pee
That was lovely. I'm worried about the title of the story, I feel something bad is about to happen.
7/15/2010 c5 36writersblock24
Awww, cute! Great job.
7/15/2010 c4 2bgrgrmp
good chapter.liked the way ranger chased away stephs uglies
7/15/2010 c5 2Dikent
Great chapter. Love the talk they had. Great job. pls ud soon!
7/13/2010 c4 4lea-pee
Nice. But will Ranger stay or get up and leave?
7/13/2010 c4 mssmith
Pretty good, I like it so far. Thanks for sharing.
7/12/2010 c4 zillie
Good story. GREAT sex scene. Thank you.

7/12/2010 c4 Barb4psu
love them getting together - can't wait to see what;s next
7/12/2010 c4 36writersblock24
Awww, it's cute! I'm glad that Ranger could help her chase the demons away and remind her of how special she is to him. Great job! Loving the story.
7/12/2010 c4 janetfan150
7/12/2010 c4 Isabella's Mom
How sweet he chased the ugly away.
7/12/2010 c4 30Mumofpicklegirls
I hope you allow him to continue chasing all the ugly away...
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