Just In
for One in a Million

7/12/2010 c4 6rangergirl1234
Wow. Great chapter. I'm kinda confused though. The summary of the story says something about one in a million...and a doctor.

Are you leading up to that point?

Very well written ,and I like the line "You chased the ugly away."
7/12/2010 c4 3JerseySue
That man can chase ANYTHING away! Lol! Great job babe! Can't wait for more!
7/12/2010 c4 2Dikent
Great chapter. pls ud soon! I can't wait to see what happens next.
7/12/2010 c4 6CB60
Thanks for that chapter. Only Ranger can chase her demons away. I felt he really needed to do that to give her the strength she needed. great job.
7/12/2010 c4 8Kathy Hiester
I can't wait to see what happens next!
7/11/2010 c3 4lea-pee
This going great. Please continue.
7/11/2010 c3 2bgrgrmp
interesting chapter curious to see where story goes next
7/11/2010 c3 6rangergirl1234
This was a good chapter. Great attention to detail. I'd like to maybe see Ranger come by to check on her and see how upset she is. Or somthing like that. Will you be updating soon? Please do!
7/11/2010 c3 sgtpep93
very good...i am enjoying this very much...hope you update soon
7/11/2010 c3 Barb4psu
oh what a tough skip! and YUK

I hope Ranger comes to comfort her!
7/11/2010 c3 16ellie-kat89
Very good chapter, and I didn't think it was too long at all, just perfect as a matter of fact. Can't wait for the next one ;).
7/11/2010 c3 6CB60
That was very intense. Hope Ranger goes to her. She needs him.
7/11/2010 c3 janetfan150
Good story so far. Man that guy was a creep. Hope you have the next chapter ready to post!
7/11/2010 c3 3JerseySue
Great to see another chapter! Well done babe!
7/11/2010 c3 8Kathy Hiester
Great chapter !
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