Just In
for One in a Million

2/15/2011 c15 14Margaretlucylu
i am hoping babies belong to ranger not joe he issuch an ass
12/15/2010 c15 21Rangersbabe10
Please update soon! I really want to know whos babies they are..I hope Rangers!
12/1/2010 c15 abw2442
Love it! Please tell me that one wont be joes and one rangers. Is that possible? I'm going for both being rangers! Please update asap.
11/27/2010 c15 12knab
I love it! Update soon please.
11/21/2010 c15 2Dikent
Another great chapter. pls ud soon!
11/18/2010 c15 ponzer
I am really enjoying your story. Can't wait to see how the plot and Steph's pregnancy progresses. Update soon!
11/17/2010 c6 Bigshihtzu
I am sooo glad Rex is alive and well.
11/17/2010 c2 Bigshihtzu
I love your story. Your writing is witty,and descriptive.
11/12/2010 c15 2Emilie Martel and RE Nobert
Absolutekly love this story.

Extremely well written.
11/11/2010 c15 sam's-lurker-droid
Another great chapter and I can't wait for the next one!

11/11/2010 c15 Din7
love it, why do i have the felling that one baby will be joe's and one rangers, oh and sice i have to share this thought with someone ... i had a horable image of ranger dressed up as the robat devil form futurama ... by brain is deranged
11/11/2010 c15 1Mik N'jirnav
I wonder what Parker and Conti have to do with each other? Hope they can figure out the threat and eliminate it soon. It's not good for Steph to be under so much stress.

Love how Carlos is with Steph. I feel bad for Steph...I remember what 'morning sickness' was like (I got mine pretty much around the clock for a while) and it's no picnic!

Can't wait for them to buy a house and move in together. :)
11/11/2010 c13 Mik N'jirnav
OMG, twins! could only happen to Steph! Loving this story!
11/11/2010 c8 Mik N'jirnav
Fun chapter! :)
11/11/2010 c15 36writersblock24
Hmmm interesting twist! Good job. Glad you're back!
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