Just In
for One in a Million

9/5/2010 c14 15DyanSwan
Good chapter.
9/5/2010 c14 8Kathy Hiester
Great chapter !
9/5/2010 c14 time4tea
We got to get this Conti out of the picture so Steph & Ranger can enjoyed with pregnancy and then their two babies. Enjoyed this chapter and eager for more!
8/28/2010 c13 BabeCakeLvr
Oh boy! Each of them has a different father dont they? This should be real interesting
8/28/2010 c13 3latetolove
Just caught up with this story. Love it. Can't wait for more. I agree with other reviewers two dad's would be priceless. Poor Stephanie, nothing is ever easy for her.
8/24/2010 c13 TLGC
Please, dear God, don't tell me that each baby has a different father! (hint from the title?) Steph is screwed up enough in her fanfic life, this would put ME over the edge G...

jan in hot, wet central FL
8/24/2010 c13 imtooldforthis
Holy Bejeebers Batman! Twins! I can see Steph freaking out over this. good job. Update soon, please.
8/24/2010 c13 6wanttowrite
Have to say that I really like where you're going with this. Poor Steph... bad enough to make her pregnant, but with twins...seems like of crazy. A true Plum Universe twist. Even scarier if one twin is Ranger's and one is Joe's. Hey, I have heard that has happened before! Looking forward to reading more.
8/23/2010 c13 2paigeydoll
Twins! If they're anything like steph and ranger, they'd be awesome and probably a bit of a handful too.

Great chapter.
8/23/2010 c13 15DyanSwan
Good chapter. Looking forward to more.
8/23/2010 c13 Barb4psu
Twins - that's a riot - this will be good and I love Ranger's support - can't wait to find out who daddy is - OMG I hope it's not one of each!
8/23/2010 c13 morsun95
ooooh twins! I think I know where you are going with this !( I hope)and it is medically possible I sent you a personal message with the medical term!Great chapter!
8/23/2010 c13 concetta33
Well Pregnant with twins has been done to death but I can see where you are going and it is truly original. Great job, Can't wait to read more. Love supportive Ranger, I only hope Joe will be equally supportive!
8/23/2010 c13 3JerseySue
Well, now you KNOW it's Batman's babies! His super sperm probably invaded her overies and liberated TWO of her poor unsuspecting eggs! Lol! GO BAT-SPERM!
8/23/2010 c13 Angela Mueller
Twins! How soon can you have another chapter up? This is really getting good. I love this story! A house makes a lot of sense, and Ranger really has a good attitude about the babies. Love that about him in your story.
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