9/5/2010 c14 time4tea
We got to get this Conti out of the picture so Steph & Ranger can enjoyed with pregnancy and then their two babies. Enjoyed this chapter and eager for more!
We got to get this Conti out of the picture so Steph & Ranger can enjoyed with pregnancy and then their two babies. Enjoyed this chapter and eager for more!
8/28/2010 c13 BabeCakeLvr
Oh boy! Each of them has a different father dont they? This should be real interesting
Oh boy! Each of them has a different father dont they? This should be real interesting
8/28/2010 c13
Just caught up with this story. Love it. Can't wait for more. I agree with other reviewers two dad's would be priceless. Poor Stephanie, nothing is ever easy for her.

Just caught up with this story. Love it. Can't wait for more. I agree with other reviewers two dad's would be priceless. Poor Stephanie, nothing is ever easy for her.
8/24/2010 c13 TLGC
Please, dear God, don't tell me that each baby has a different father! (hint from the title?) Steph is screwed up enough in her fanfic life, this would put ME over the edge G...
jan in hot, wet central FL
Please, dear God, don't tell me that each baby has a different father! (hint from the title?) Steph is screwed up enough in her fanfic life, this would put ME over the edge G...
jan in hot, wet central FL
8/24/2010 c13 imtooldforthis
Holy Bejeebers Batman! Twins! I can see Steph freaking out over this. good job. Update soon, please.
Holy Bejeebers Batman! Twins! I can see Steph freaking out over this. good job. Update soon, please.
8/24/2010 c13
Have to say that I really like where you're going with this. Poor Steph... bad enough to make her pregnant, but with twins...seems like of crazy. A true Plum Universe twist. Even scarier if one twin is Ranger's and one is Joe's. Hey, I have heard that has happened before! Looking forward to reading more.

Have to say that I really like where you're going with this. Poor Steph... bad enough to make her pregnant, but with twins...seems like of crazy. A true Plum Universe twist. Even scarier if one twin is Ranger's and one is Joe's. Hey, I have heard that has happened before! Looking forward to reading more.
8/23/2010 c13
Twins! If they're anything like steph and ranger, they'd be awesome and probably a bit of a handful too.
Great chapter.

Twins! If they're anything like steph and ranger, they'd be awesome and probably a bit of a handful too.
Great chapter.
8/23/2010 c13 Barb4psu
Twins - that's a riot - this will be good and I love Ranger's support - can't wait to find out who daddy is - OMG I hope it's not one of each!
Twins - that's a riot - this will be good and I love Ranger's support - can't wait to find out who daddy is - OMG I hope it's not one of each!
8/23/2010 c13 morsun95
ooooh twins! I think I know where you are going with this !( I hope)and it is medically possible I sent you a personal message with the medical term!Great chapter!
ooooh twins! I think I know where you are going with this !( I hope)and it is medically possible I sent you a personal message with the medical term!Great chapter!
8/23/2010 c13 concetta33
Well Pregnant with twins has been done to death but I can see where you are going and it is truly original. Great job, Can't wait to read more. Love supportive Ranger, I only hope Joe will be equally supportive!
Well Pregnant with twins has been done to death but I can see where you are going and it is truly original. Great job, Can't wait to read more. Love supportive Ranger, I only hope Joe will be equally supportive!
8/23/2010 c13
Well, now you KNOW it's Batman's babies! His super sperm probably invaded her overies and liberated TWO of her poor unsuspecting eggs! Lol! GO BAT-SPERM!

Well, now you KNOW it's Batman's babies! His super sperm probably invaded her overies and liberated TWO of her poor unsuspecting eggs! Lol! GO BAT-SPERM!
8/23/2010 c13 Angela Mueller
Twins! How soon can you have another chapter up? This is really getting good. I love this story! A house makes a lot of sense, and Ranger really has a good attitude about the babies. Love that about him in your story.
Twins! How soon can you have another chapter up? This is really getting good. I love this story! A house makes a lot of sense, and Ranger really has a good attitude about the babies. Love that about him in your story.