8/23/2010 c13 ecrews
Oh wow, twins! I didnt see that one coming. I hope Ranger is the father. I know for sake of the storyline you have to include Joe but couldnt she have just had Ranger's DNA tested aganist the baby's to see if it matched? If it didnt she'd know Joe was the father and wouldnt have had to even tell him it was a possibility. I cant wait to see what is next!
Oh wow, twins! I didnt see that one coming. I hope Ranger is the father. I know for sake of the storyline you have to include Joe but couldnt she have just had Ranger's DNA tested aganist the baby's to see if it matched? If it didnt she'd know Joe was the father and wouldnt have had to even tell him it was a possibility. I cant wait to see what is next!
8/23/2010 c13
7Writer Formerly Known as FM
I really hope they are Ranger's babies because I am of course wanting a HEA. It would be classically soap opera if it was one of each - two different fathers.
Ranger is so good to her. You do a nice job of making him sweet, but not a wuss.

I really hope they are Ranger's babies because I am of course wanting a HEA. It would be classically soap opera if it was one of each - two different fathers.
Ranger is so good to her. You do a nice job of making him sweet, but not a wuss.
8/23/2010 c13 susangw
What a great chapter. Very sweet. I hope the babies don't really have two daddy's.
What a great chapter. Very sweet. I hope the babies don't really have two daddy's.
8/23/2010 c13 LIZ03
awesome 2 babies didnt see that one coming, I pretty sure its not possiable, but the 2 babies are going to be from one dad right...lol, great chapter, love that they are going to find a place together to live..
awesome 2 babies didnt see that one coming, I pretty sure its not possiable, but the 2 babies are going to be from one dad right...lol, great chapter, love that they are going to find a place together to live..
8/23/2010 c13
Great chapter. Twins, I knew it. I can't wait for the test and what kind of house they find. pls ud soon!

Great chapter. Twins, I knew it. I can't wait for the test and what kind of house they find. pls ud soon!
8/23/2010 c13 SapphireJ
Wow, I can't believe she is having twins! Can't wait to see if they are Rangers (I HOPE!).
Wow, I can't believe she is having twins! Can't wait to see if they are Rangers (I HOPE!).
8/23/2010 c13 Lu2read
what a loving chapter...i love ranger, what a good and loving man. i really hope the babies are his...
what a loving chapter...i love ranger, what a good and loving man. i really hope the babies are his...
8/23/2010 c13
Great update! I forsee another complication coming up, or maybe I'm just reading too much into the writing. The fact that they are fraternal twins leads to the possibility that both Joe and Ranger are the father. More mystery! I hope it all turns out good for a Steph and Ranger HEA.

Great update! I forsee another complication coming up, or maybe I'm just reading too much into the writing. The fact that they are fraternal twins leads to the possibility that both Joe and Ranger are the father. More mystery! I hope it all turns out good for a Steph and Ranger HEA.
8/23/2010 c13
I'm so glad you used this line: we are going to do this and it is going to be good! It's one of my fav's from the books. Fun chapter, thank you.

I'm so glad you used this line: we are going to do this and it is going to be good! It's one of my fav's from the books. Fun chapter, thank you.
8/23/2010 c13
Twins - that will add a new spin - what if one is Joe's and one is Ranger's. Oooo the possibilities.

Twins - that will add a new spin - what if one is Joe's and one is Ranger's. Oooo the possibilities.