Just In
for Quiet Hearts

7/24/2010 c6 Jenox
Ummm ny favorite quote is " i didnt hit you...i simply high fived your face! ". LOL the story! Update!
7/24/2010 c6 11Shazza-Girl
so much foreshadowing you'd need a high powered torch to miss it. loved it. can't wait for the next chapter. pleeasse update soon :) this story is amazing and i can't wait for the next chapter, and i'm sure no one else who reads this can either. although that whole thing with jake...please please don't have them go out, because as fun as a jealous edward really is it just prolongs...well everything. or maybe have edward think they're going out or something. i dunno. ignore me and my ramblings :)
7/24/2010 c6 Nero11
"I'm just sucha a gentlemen you should give it up to me" that's the funny quote and the serious quote is "Yeah, and my dreams are who I'm racin' with You can see I'm pacin' it so that I'm always chasin' it" those are some of my favorite quotes and their both by Drake lol, anyway love the story can't wait for an update.
7/24/2010 c6 9Bellaangel383
please post the next chapter soon!

i love it!

please let bella ans edward get together soon!

i can't wait to see what happens next!
7/22/2010 c5 xxchasingcars
Aw, I really like this story, I find it to be sweet, yet getting juicier and juicier at the same time! I'm waiting for the next chapter!
7/19/2010 c5 Nero11
It was a great chapter, and edward is a douche lol oh well can't wait for another update
7/19/2010 c5 barbiedoll123
i just wish Bella would have someone too
7/19/2010 c5 SallyThePumpkinQueen
love it!
7/18/2010 c5 meggymagic515
Aw...what Edward did was incredibly sweet but as for him leaving Bella to go with Rosalie...GAH!Jasper's so sweet,comforting Bella,yay!Dang it,why can't Rosalie hurry up and break Edward's heart,so he can go with Bella!:| Does Edward REALLY like Rosalie or is it lust?Is it like that for Rosalie?Are they going to be together for a long time? FAR and FAST are they going to go?[catch my drift]*physically*

going onto another topic,the chapter was really good,i really like the plot.please update as soon as you can!xDDD
7/18/2010 c4 SallyThePumpkinQueen
LOVE it!

Please update soon!
7/16/2010 c4 barbiedoll123
i hope if Bella don't get with Edward s soon ,im hoping she will date someone nice
7/16/2010 c4 Nero11
Loving the story and ewwwwwwl at EDWARD, suckin faces lol
7/15/2010 c4 meggymagic515
aw...i feel bad for Bella,...;_; why did Edward have to check out Rosalie so much?he's not that type of guy... why did he have to make out with Rosalie?it was the first date!now,when[if] Edward and Bella end up it's gonna be awkward cus he kissed/maked out with Rosalie,and Bella's always gonna compare herself to Rosalie! the part with her and Jasper was nice,Jasper's such a nice guy...!yay for him and Alice xDD! Edward and Bella forever,i'm waiting for them!amazing chapter!you're story's really getting to me so,please update soon!^/^
7/15/2010 c4 Karoline
Amazing chapter! And it would be very akward if Rosalie and Edward sucked faces during Eclipse. Please update soon!
7/15/2010 c3 Karoline
I loved your chapter. I felt so bad for Bella when she was excluded from the conversation. By the way, I the perv part was a nice touch. :D
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