Just In
for The Music Challenge

6/10/2011 c1 4Kiiro Pond
These are wonderful. I often listen to music for inspiration for my writing, but I've never tried writing drabbles based on a song. I need to try this.

Anyway. While the style's certainly your own, not Collins', I think you do a good job of getting into the characters' heads; their thoughts, their feelings. However, it doesn't seem raw to me. It seems more... distanced, I guess. But I know that whenever I listen to music while I write, it distances me from the writing. I also have to say that I think the Peeta ones seem a bit... shallow. It just doesn't seem like you're really in his head.

I especially like that last one about Effie. But I do really like them all. You really capture a lot in just a few words.
11/28/2010 c1 23Cometas Por El Cielo
Wow, this is good! Considering you didn't really get to CHOOSE the songs and it was on random shuffle, you really pulled this off. If I tried this, itb be terrible. I have the most random mix on my iPod...
10/15/2010 c1 The Wisher
These were really sweet I keep coming back to read them!(thats how much i like them)Yeh I going to try and do one of these myself!(Do you mind?)
8/7/2010 c1 1Lollie-LolliePop
Um, I like how you made up your own lyrics and themed them all to the hunger games, and you didn't plan which songs, you just took them randomly. But I can't appretiate it cuz I don't know any of the songs. :(
7/20/2010 c1 BookAddictForLife
Wow, you're really good at this. It's hard for me to write anything based off of songs in such little time. It would probally turn out way OOC, and not very good. You should consider doing another one of these for a different series, or even add onto this one.

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