Just In
for Pandora: Another Time

4/5/2017 c18 Guest
Awesome story!
7/19/2016 c18 punky warhammer
sorry i'm late to the party, but this is awesome!
5/9/2012 c18 unseendoughnut
This was an astonishing avatar fanfict-certainly one of the best! I would encourage you to write an epilogue but you must be exhausted from all the hard effort you put into your writing. I thank you for allowing me the pleasure in life of reading your work. :)
12/4/2011 c13 1Vengeful Astartes
mad chap m8, things are starting to pick up ay. keep up the good work
12/4/2011 c11 Vengeful Astartes
kk nice chap m8
12/4/2011 c10 Vengeful Astartes
OOOOKKKKKk wtf... didn't see that coming?
12/4/2011 c9 Vengeful Astartes
nice little lemon there m8, like the ebb and flow of the story. keep going
12/4/2011 c7 Vengeful Astartes
really like this story keep it up m8
1/23/2011 c16 1WolfMaster23
nice story i can't wait to see what happens next. keep up the good work.
1/23/2011 c16 8BurnedSpy
ooh please update soon
1/11/2011 c15 11Bilbo Baggins Is My Hobbit
gha...such a good chapter, I really like it...You must update,and it was worth the wiat, but I cant wait for the update, and its ok
12/8/2010 c12 2wolves-rain-chick
I absolutely love this story. I read the first one:) this story captured my attention after the first few sentences. Avatar is such a great movie and you made it very accurate.

Thank you so much for writing a great story.

12/3/2010 c14 8BurnedSpy
great chapter update ASAP
9/1/2010 c11 1Avyrian
Another great chapter! Excellent resolution to the relationship issue... Though even with Grace's promise to Jake, I'm still worried about the impending war! Please update soon. I love seeing updates to this story!

Great work and Irayo nimun!

8/30/2010 c10 Avyrian
...uh oh... Jake seems to have the worst timing for his mistakes. I can only imagine what will happen when he tells her about the humans... O_o I hope things work out in the end. I hate to see Grace and Jake at odds with one another. Please Update Soon!

Thanks Again and keep up the excellent work!


~Tsyal Makto
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