Just In
for Maybe I Could Be Your Sweet Dream

2/8/2013 c10 6Lotusxdoll
I just finished your story today and I just have to ask... Why haven't you updated?! I really loved the idea and am so curious as to where you were planing on taking it. You're a good writer )
6/29/2012 c10 thelittlealbatross
An interesting story! I love the concept and the characters are well written. c:
5/13/2012 c1 6pluviophile
"..Imagine a place where whatever you wanted could come to life in an instant. Where you could bend your reality into anything you want. A place where gravity can be defied and laws that bond us… don't exist. It's in our dreams of course.." so you really caught my attention there. That was the best opening paragraph that you could've conjured! This story seems interesting, and although I'm only reading chapter one, I think that the rest of it is equally amazing, and I hope that you continue writing! You go girl!
12/13/2011 c3 3SwedeHeart14
12/13/2011 c2 SwedeHeart14
Lol, great! I love Dom and Savannah's relationship!
12/13/2011 c1 SwedeHeart14
Great start, I'm intrigued! Haha had to laugh about her subsconscious almost jumping the Point Man, and how she had to shoot him to prevent it from happening. :p Looking forward to more
7/5/2011 c1 1CharmedGirl92
Is there anyway I can convince you to pick this story back up again. I just found it and I'm hooked!
2/26/2011 c5 3Diona Aronwen
Erm...and these too. I had a lot of time on my hands.

[Same pictures...just different versions]




2/26/2011 c6 Diona Aronwen
Here's another one. It's the same banner...just a different background color.

2/26/2011 c10 Diona Aronwen
I CANNOT wait to see what you've got planned for Ariadne in this story! A rivalry, perhaps?

BTW, I heard that Joseph Levitt-Gordon and Scarlett Johansson are starring in a movie together. Something about zombies in love. *Shrug*

OH! And I made a banner for you. It looks a little weird because I had to photoshop two pictures of Joseph and Scarlett together. Here it is:

2/26/2011 c9 Diona Aronwen
Miles was Mal's father? I seriously didn't know that.

BTW, I think you should definitely write something in Arthur's POV.
2/26/2011 c8 Diona Aronwen
Oh, that's Johnny Depp, right there. :D
2/26/2011 c7 Diona Aronwen
"Never Assume because it makes an Ass out of You & Me (Ass-U-Me)." of my teachers in school ALWAYS tells us that. Now I can't ever say "assume" without hesitating.

Anyway, I feel so bad for Savannah. I wish Arthur had been the one to save her. :(
2/26/2011 c4 Diona Aronwen
Oh, Mario is the Mafia guy who caught her during a blotched assignment, right? Duh, I should've guessed it was him. Haha! I'm sure you mentioned in an earlier chapter that Dom's subconscious couldn't hurt Savannah (because of his urge to always protect her) I was definitely wrong to guess Mal.
2/17/2011 c3 Diona Aronwen
Unwanted presence? Is it Mal, maybe? Eh...I'll find out next chapter. You update fast!

BTW...I've always wondered, too, how they got Saito to sleep. Nice thinking with sedative gas. :)
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