Just In
for Beneath the Surface

6/14/2017 c5 o0-SilverMoon-0o
This is really good! Please udpate soon!
8/18/2016 c5 7Althea Sirius
"...for her to find a way back where she belongs.." or stay where she is and start a new adventure. _
8/18/2016 c4 Althea Sirius
Aww~ great chapter!
3/14/2016 c5 bassoongirl14
Very interesting story so far!
1/11/2016 c5 rhizz17
Update please
1/12/2015 c5 4saashi samy
i really like the story

very interesting
9/5/2014 c5 28Shae Vizla
Interessing story.

After her adventures, Kagome was deconnected from her own Era and in trying to be with her friends, ended in a complete different world (or in a distant future ?). She's not the same girl who was lost in the past and a little to trusting, and she used her medical knowledge to fit. Kakashi remind her a little of Inu Yasha because of the hair and the piggy walk and I wonder how she will react if she meet his summons... He's also somethat a jerk, like her first love, and very distrustful.

In the other hand, Kakashi don't know that to think about her and he's annoyed he react to her.
9/3/2014 c5 KT
I hope you can update soon!

What if Kagome says the truth yet doesn't? I don't know if that makes sense but...what I'm trying to say is, cover some minor detail like
demons with samurais and ninjas or something like that...
It's like the truth just changing some minor details? Yeah let go with that...
8/8/2014 c5 2Shadows-Fallen-Angel
very interesting. keep up the good work.
8/5/2014 c5 15Sexykitsunexookamixinu-hime
Oh I love this chapter. please more. I get the feeling that Kakashi is Inuyasha's recaration, but I might be wrong.
8/4/2014 c5 2Toreh
I'm really loving this story so far! I can't wait until the next update. You're doing an excellent job with this!
7/31/2014 c3 15Sexykitsunexookamixinu-hime
Oh. please continue. I hope the Fox knows who she is with Inuyasha's name. I really do.
7/31/2014 c5 erica
first time reading through and LOVED IT! MORE PLEASE!
7/29/2014 c5 tinawinna
Yay! An update! I've been waiting for this. :)
I enjoyed this chapter and can't wait for the next update. :D
7/28/2014 c5 MyworldMyImagination
Like it. . I loved it!
I'm only sad that the chapter ended as soon as I stated.
I hope to see an update soon and nicely done on this chapter too.
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