Just In
for Unexpected

9/13/2018 c2 6wovenbywords
That was nice! I wanna know what'll happen next!
6/13/2011 c2 Kat luvs you
I love how u put ur self in the story
6/13/2011 c1 Kat luvs you
i love it !
11/25/2010 c2 7She Who Wears The Tainted Halo
poor momo-chan
11/25/2010 c1 She Who Wears The Tainted Halo
y did u add yourself 2 the story, kirrei
7/30/2010 c1 1lancejohnson123
good job kirrei
7/23/2010 c2 Lil'WatermelonShiro
7/23/2010 c1 Lil'WatermelonShiro
Wow that was awesome. Keep righting girl.
7/23/2010 c2 1Koatan
I like Kirrei and this story 8D And yes you should keep her in the story. Hmmm can't wait to see what happens next.
7/23/2010 c2 25yumi-2121331
'Would you like pie?' lol! I think Kirrei should go... I like her and it makes so much less... sad!
7/22/2010 c2 silver'ashes.butterfly
update please!
7/22/2010 c2 13SnowKoyuki13
Pretty good. I had to read the end over a couple of times to fully understand. I asked my friends if they ever wanted to bathe in tacos, and they all looked at me and called me crazy. Except one that said yes o.O

Update soon,

7/22/2010 c1 t-r
good start to the story. lets see how far this will go and how much more will be in store for the rest of this
7/22/2010 c1 25yumi-2121331
huh... interesting... very random... I LIKE IT!
7/22/2010 c1 silver'ashes.butterfly
lolz " If you do go… tell any new teacher you get that… they would be nothing compared to me." i luv that line .

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