9/17/2010 c15
AWESOME! OMG i wouldn't have slapped his hand away! Lemme guess the guy in purple shirt and green pants is Nico. This is great can't wait for more.

AWESOME! OMG i wouldn't have slapped his hand away! Lemme guess the guy in purple shirt and green pants is Nico. This is great can't wait for more.
9/17/2010 c14 Thalia
OK. I just got back from CIMI and am dying for some story action im not writing bc my mom cut my computer hours to 2 hours a day it SUCKS! I want her to make it whenever I I I I I want. I'm not gonna read OR review not as normal srry. WAY too busy to do that anyway.
- U know who i am
OK. I just got back from CIMI and am dying for some story action im not writing bc my mom cut my computer hours to 2 hours a day it SUCKS! I want her to make it whenever I I I I I want. I'm not gonna read OR review not as normal srry. WAY too busy to do that anyway.
- U know who i am
9/17/2010 c11 beodle
HEEHEE! I was right! It WAS Thalia! Oh and by the way are Thalia and Annabeth gonna go to the party as girls?
HEEHEE! I was right! It WAS Thalia! Oh and by the way are Thalia and Annabeth gonna go to the party as girls?