Just In
for Pacific Half

9/17/2010 c14 19obscurity works
I'm flippin reviewing. :) Update! :D I love this story too much!
9/17/2010 c14 2Reader1245
Cute story (although this chapter was kinda weird. LOL XD) Update soon!
9/17/2010 c14 2StormChaser7
awesome story!
9/17/2010 c14 13storyteller1425
Psh you don't havta be so dramatic. Haha just kidding. Wow I know I don't think I've ever reviewed this story which is really a shame cause I really like this story. Please don't make us desperate readers wait like that! We love your story and can't wait for your update. And please oh please please please don't make annabeth go through all that! It would be agony. :) anyway keep up the good work and please update soon!

P.S. If you didn't get it by now, you should probably know that I was joking/being sarcastic in a lot of parts in my review. :)
9/17/2010 c14 2tswiftlookalike
sorry u feel bad but i swear if u put justin bieber in this story... well ya lets not go there. please up date minus the random characters
9/13/2010 c13 TheRealWorldHurts
Awesome update!
9/11/2010 c13 15Darian Uchiha
Pretty cool ^^ Can't wait for an update!
9/11/2010 c13 2tswiftlookalike
update soon this is one of the only normal stories i like
9/10/2010 c13 1book-freak20
9/9/2010 c13 Guest
I loved this chapter
9/9/2010 c13 1Mibou
AWESOME! But short u know me i like LONG... chapters. And no1 else is writing neither am i heh heh. My mom cut my computer hours so i haven't had anytime srry. *_* Can't wait for more
9/9/2010 c13 Katlee
UPDATE. I love this story.
9/9/2010 c13 2The Mysterious Dreamer
UPDATE!SOON!I wanna read the scene with the party!
9/9/2010 c2 Katlee
You shouldn't have apologize to losers like Honest101. It's not their fault they have absolutely no friends and/or life. Actually erase the /or. They don't have either, especially Honest101. Every

comment of his/hers I read is a hate comment,and he/she runs a thingy called worst pjo stories written, and I doubt he/she could do any better, so...
9/2/2010 c1 Alice
Please Continue this story! Please! Update!
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