Just In
for Pacific Half

8/23/2010 c10 4Luv-Rain
ooh! caught redhanded!
8/23/2010 c10 Conversee
I always get excited when I read this...please update more!
8/23/2010 c10 1Mibou
good but i know u can do better. (^_^)
8/23/2010 c9 Guest
This is sooooooo funny! It's a bit like she the man at one point. I'm guessing that brad is Thalia. They should tell their secrets at the samee time.and not meaning to be rude but can you hurry up. And get to the percabeth already?
8/22/2010 c9 Conversee
Haha it's like she's the man! I love this story so much...update more!
8/22/2010 c9 45high.fiving.jesus
I hope you're going with my idea ;) This was a good chapter, althought I would've liked it slightly longer. People better review. Update soon!
8/22/2010 c9 3annabethchase15
I love the story that chap was short but it was like a clip of one person solitary. I love it!
8/22/2010 c9 Phardman
great chapter
8/22/2010 c9 cRazYrAnd0mPeRs0n
Please!:D *rampage* ^_^"
8/22/2010 c9 cRazYrAnd0mPeRs0n
Seriously, Continue!:D ^_^"
8/22/2010 c9 cRazYrAnd0mPeRs0n
:D That was awesome, where is Nico? I still think Brad is Thalia. Continue, or I will bug you continuisly!:D ^_^"
8/22/2010 c9 4Luv-Rain
Please keep writing! This is a good story!
8/22/2010 c9 FRED
woahh! This is freakin' awesome. Update soon, chicka!
8/22/2010 c9 17dbzfan8
hmm interesting. I like it! Please continue.
8/22/2010 c9 15Darian Uchiha
cool, though the random tear thing doesnt make sense, but it's a good chapter:)

Can't wait to read moarrrrr!

pwease update! I hope u get alot of reveiws so we can get a looooooong chapter!

:D :D :D :D
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