Just In
for The Ward Keeper

2/9/2012 c3 Venus914
Oh...exciting... Please update soon!
1/8/2012 c3 jin
please continue this it's an amazing story so far.
9/10/2011 c3 dianaprince999
Cool story, keep on writing!
8/20/2011 c3 5AMarieKelley
oh my GOD! I love this story! So good! Can't wait to see more! I'm stoked to see how Harry and the Cullens react to each other and how they react to Lily! Update soon! :)
8/5/2011 c3 SuperNekofan
This story seems interesting! I can't wait for Harry to meet the Cullens!
4/14/2011 c2 lex1621
I'm reading this story over again and just wanted to say how much i still enjoy it. Please update soon! lol.
4/4/2011 c3 Vicki219
Seriously cool story! Please update more
3/28/2011 c1 Shadow315
I hate Dumbledore. In every story I read. I'm sorry but I find him manuplitive and meddlesome. I hate that he thinks he has a right to butt into Harry's life and take control of it.

just wanted to stop and say something becasue reading that last part of this chapter I got pissed.

3/17/2011 c3 Aurora Lopez
when are you going to write chapters 4-20 of The Ward Keeper,or review Ward Keeper bye. write me back!
12/30/2010 c3 13Haunt of twilight
This sounds really good. I look forward to reading more.
12/29/2010 c3 1izzywizzyme
Oooo loving this so far hope to see more in the future ^_^
12/15/2010 c3 Skipernicus
Very nice story so far. I enjoy little Lily's character very much.

Looking forward to the next chapter.
11/30/2010 c3 5michaelc100
great story so far but you have left out tonnes of stuff that would have made an interesting story on its own
11/13/2010 c3 lex1621
I cannot believe you left it there, how cruel! lol. Please update soon, I can't wait to see everyone's reactions!
11/10/2010 c3 98DebsTheSlytherinSnapefan
wow i like this story! woohooo update soon please!
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