Just In
for The Courage to Live

3/28/2011 c8 karateC18
Love your stories they're so funny and romantic
2/7/2011 c3 3DarkRoguePhantom
Its swe-et!
2/7/2011 c2 DarkRoguePhantom
2/7/2011 c1 DarkRoguePhantom
1/22/2011 c10 GoldieLaux999
Oh, and isn't it a little past Christmas? (28 days actually)
1/22/2011 c11 GoldieLaux999
I guessed most of the parents; Iris and Khoine (from Lost Hero) were the easiest, I could tell day/night but I couldn't remember their names, and we visited Tanner's cabin. I didn't even think about Chase and Aiden. This story is amazing! You have to finish it, you can't just leave us hanging! Your readers "actually care" as you put it. Waiting for an update!

12/31/2010 c11 3xSilverTeardropx3
Aw! You haven't finished most of the books yet.. (does that sound pushy?)

And chapter 11 will be the last one? Aww :'(

Anyways, hope you have a GREAT NEW YEAR!
12/25/2010 c11 2Buffy the Vampslayer
II love this story. The kids in here remind me of me and my friends. Channing and Chase remind me of my two favorite guy friends that I have, lol. I can't wait 'til you finish this story.
11/27/2010 c2 P a r a f r o s y n i
I've heard of Khione!
11/13/2010 c11 1Miss L. W. R
Sooooo I love your writing and Ive read the Lost Hero too and completly agree that Piper is a mary sue but I really like Leo. And I think you should totally continue the story soon because this is just a way the Great Propychy(sorry spelling is not one of my best things) and the Lost Hero is another way it could turn out. I LOVED the Lost Hero and don't think I could wait a year for The Son of Neptune to come out
11/11/2010 c5 17Asilda
Your story's good, and I'm sad that I have to quit reading for the night and go to bed, before my parents find out how late I've been staying up. But good work and I'll be reading more soon!
11/11/2010 c3 Asilda
Yay! Nico and Percy in this chapter!

Sorry it's taken me awhile to find my way back to your fic. I've been swamped by life in general, but I'm about caught up again and so now I'm taking a break from tonight's homework to read some fanfics. :)
11/2/2010 c4 biblioholic
You made thantos the bad guy. Interesting choice. Poor tanner having to go through all that to get the message across.

Can't wait to read next chapter.

Rate 7.99/10
11/2/2010 c2 biblioholic
Only reason I've ever hear of Kihone is because she's in the H of O book.
10/24/2010 c11 3Freezemizer
Lost Hero was totally awesome. Leo is totally awesome! Magic Belt thingmbober FTW! I'm really looking forward to the Son of Neptune. If Percy is dating another girl at the Roman Camp... Annabeth will be totally pissed... Really sad this story is discontinued for now...


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