Just In
for Roadtrip

8/13/2010 c2 99The.Ocean.Shadow
It was amazing! I loved it. Every part of it. :) I didn't think they were out of character at all. Please update.
8/7/2010 c2 10Sly-88

8/4/2010 c2 melly326
I like this story..poor macy...hope u update soon
8/3/2010 c2 neilafbnewafbelwaef
ohmigosh. im not sure if i reviewed this story yet or not, but you just reviewed one of mine (thank you) and i read this a few weeks ago and just saw the new update and im loving the story!
8/3/2010 c2 2EpicFroggy
Yay, another chapter! XD This one is much better, thanks. I can't even tell you how sad I was when she woke up.. XD
8/3/2010 c2 1DarkSmile
What do you mean not good or in character? This was really good and in character. Waiting patiently for your next update.
8/3/2010 c2 PurpleInkSBU
I am 'Uber' Madddd that that wholee scene was a DREAM ! qrrrrr; Lml. i was all like "Awwwwwww" &+and stuff; just to fine iht was a dream...Lml !

8/3/2010 c2 13Zeppo104
i love this story. its so cute. update soon!
8/3/2010 c2 smantha217
Great chapter. I cant wait to see what happens!
8/3/2010 c2 3SilverVictoire
Continue! It's pretty good!
8/3/2010 c2 4snoupy
i like it and i can't wait to read more plz update soon and try to make it longer
7/30/2010 c1 3Princess-of-The-Time-Lords
can you plezz continue roadtrip i just love it
7/30/2010 c1 PurpleInkSBU
Too too cliffy ! you havee to add more or I'll feel like yuh left me without a closure. There wasn't even much Nacy Fluff which is a legitamate (how ever yuh spell i) reason to UPDATE ! =d
7/25/2010 c1 smantha217
Great story so far please continue!
7/25/2010 c1 2EpicFroggy
I think your story has potential, but you gotta stop those annoying author's notes in the middle of the story. Those little facts should all be included. For instance, in the beginning, you need to have Nick explain to the readers that Macy lives next door. Not only does it make your story cleaner and more proffessional looking (so I'm a little OCD. Shoot me.), but it's just a good habit to get into. Teachers (especially when you get into college) don't like author's notes scattered through stories.

Also, since this is from a guy's perspective, little details like what he's packing and stuff really isn't necessary. Well, it's really not necessary anywhere, but it makes more sense when it's a girl's point of view.

Anyway, this story is interesting. Your grammar and spelling are impeccable, which is huge for me (like I said, I'm super OCD. Shoot me). The characters seem mostly in-character, and the story line is followable (is that even a word? Meh, you get the picture.)

So yes, I'd like it if you would continue. (= Keep on writing!

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