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6h c30 Dault3883 Barron Backslash
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2/4 c48 4sakurai.ryuu
Fantastic story, it's nice that Hermione ended up with Harry :), you could have developed the Harry/Hermione/Fleur relationship better, that everything went to a poly relationship
1/31 c48 A Reader
I love your story. I like the pairing and I think it was done well. The hermione bit at the end was interesting and not really a surprise. I like how you portrayed the twins as a lot of fun but serious underneath. They were the friends that Harry needed with all that was going on, along with Hermione, of course.
Your dumbles bashing was very well done. some bash fics have him looking like a bumbling fool, but you portrayed a very powerful wizard who was, quite frankly, scary in that chapter where he learns about the change of guardianship. I also like that the whole voldemort thing was a sort of non-event, it was nice to read a story that didn't focus on that.
Over all, I thought your story was great and I'm so glad you finished it.
1/28 c44 Guest
Been enjoying the Buffy cameos via the newspaper articles, did a little cheer whenever I spotted one

Misplaced this story when my bookmarks got wiped, very happy to have found it again years later, and finished to boot
1/23 c48 Clark959
Enjoyed this story very much.
1/19 c31 c12348626
something else that I get cuz I lost my first friend when I was a child I never had friends up to that point to lose her at the end of high school it hurt she was my friend my first love she didn't feel that way about me Truth be told unless we actually talk to each other she didn't really remember me she had a terrible memory it's like if you weren't talking to her right then she'd forget you exist even to this day but I'm long more to my friend my first love Casey I hope wherever she's at she's happy
1/19 c31 c12348626
but I love about your story is the French part You yourself said you know nothing about French but you're still trying to write French people I love it I love every bit of it thank you for being a good writer
12/29/2024 c8 Vinccool96
Canonically, Fleur’s mother is named Apolline. Also, “Aies-je à vous” means absolutely nothing. It’s roughly translated to “do I have of you”. I think you meant “puis-je t’avoir”, but a child would say “je peux te garder”
12/22/2024 c1 Guest
Jump, you useless cunt
12/22/2024 c48 Guest
Another rambling of a retard pathetic looser, bashing is a clear sign of an unskilled writer.
12/19/2024 c30 tejon
Reader view is the way to go in any case :P, great story i been glued to it and am certenlly gona bindge it
12/19/2024 c35 13Freddie Rindklip
So nice to see Harry doing the smack down.
12/18/2024 c48 Osmodious
Fun story…some really interesting ideas and different ‘takes’ on things. Your handling of Dumbles was quite good, and while I admit I always like him to get him comeuppance earlier, you handled it very well (far too often writers have him easily weasel out of everything the entire story, which is infuriating). I especially enjoyed that you didn’t have Harry completely helpless and needing everyone to do everything, but rather a believable 14 year old in over his head, but ultimately with some gumption and a decent enough mind to also start sticking up for himself.
Good character development, good overall plot, nice balance of dialogue and exposition, and well written…just a really good read. Thanks for posting!
12/15/2024 c13 TheEleventhDoctorDab
hit snape with that hawk tuah
12/13/2024 c48 1bleachorange
It got a little rough around the edges in the plot department towards the end, with a lot of logical inconsistencies, but it was an enjoyable read nonetheless.
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