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6/26/2023 c28 Sterling-Ag
One, I take back my previous comment about Albus' meddling. You've covered that very nicely. I was premature,, sorry. Two, fan of BTVS much? It's good to know that Dawn and Xander found a less dangerous profession than slayage
6/26/2023 c19 Sterling-Ag
No mention of Victor Krum? Neville just pops in out of nowhere? Don't get me wrong I am enjoying the story, but Hermione did go to the ball with him. Also no Diggory or interactions with Malfoy and his ilk? Also there seems to little meddling from APWBD. I understand a focused story, but it feels like you've gotten a bit of tunnel vision and have ignored certain elements that could have fleshed out the plot a bit. That being said your writing is of high quality and I am enjoying it, thanks.
6/25/2023 c48 1Markan999
It was a nice read but some characters bashing were a bit exaggerated, Like Ron or Lucius.

Lucius would never be that stupid to insult or harass the heir of another noble house in public and the press present, he is a very smart guy.

And Ron, well, something I don't like is that most of the fics portrays him as a complete jealousy asshole, yeah he was an idiot in the fourth book like most of teenagers at that age but he gets better in the following books. even Harry was like that in the fifth book and that was worse because Sirius died for his stupidity
6/24/2023 c48 SomewhereBeyondtheStars
Loved this!
6/18/2023 c48 johnapple
I think this is one of the best stories I have ever read. Thank you
6/15/2023 c48 Guest
You should cut out that last bit about Snape. It’s silly and pointless.
6/13/2023 c26 Guest
Ah, i get why Dumbledore is acting so weird now, won't spoil it for others, but it still doesn't make much sense, it's still incredibly dumb to steal from the vaults when it's so easily checkable.
6/13/2023 c17 Guest
Sigh, this is annother thing that makes little to no sense in fanfics, why on earth would Dumbledore steal from Harry's accounts, his entire plan resolves around Harry trusting him, why would Harry sacrifice himself for the wizarding world if he can easily walk into gringotts and find out he's being lied to and stolen from? That and Dumbledore should be pretty rich in the first place, it's just more unneeded drama, canon Dumbledore is bad enough with his little plan that nothing else even needs to be added, I sometimes think fanfic authors don't use their brains and just add what ever sounds good to them at the time.
6/13/2023 c14 Guest
Never understood why fanfic authors make the dursleys physically abusive, beating him but do absolutely nothing to change his personality, the extra drama/angst is so pointless and uneeded.
5/27/2023 c27 noylj
Severus didn't intend to hurt anyone-he was just overcome with emotion, as anyone would, says demented Albus
5/15/2023 c12 Coul532003
From an A/N from a few chapters ago, just wanted to add my meager opinion. You seemed concerned about not using Apolline for Mrs. Delacour. Literary license is just that. Why would there be a complaint about that when her husband and both Granger parents are frequently using other names (Sebastian, Jean-Claude, Jean-Pierre, etc.; Dan, Richard, John, etc.; Emma, Margaret, Miranda, etc.). I personally don't see the problem with Arielle, Adrienne, etc. This is your very well written AU, after all.
That being said, thank you for sharing your story with us. There are only so many os Harry's adventures to modify to create different views and 'alter-stories' (my phrasing, of course), it is always welcome to me, at least, for a different approach. Again, thank you for sharing.
5/10/2023 c48 4rpeh
I'm glad I found this story.

I'm not going to go into a detailed review since the story is done and dusted but in basic terms, it started well, kept going well and ended well - although the epilogue was a little... excessive. It's true that everything happens a bit too easily but there's enough stuff along the way to keep things interesting. The Ron- and Dumbledore-bashing wasn't excessive and the other characters were developed and varied enough too.

Thanks for a fine story.
5/6/2023 c31 Lynn
Canon Dumbles didn't train him, left him to be abused to be self sacrificing and have no self worth or esteem.
Harry Gets murdered, killing the scar shard, Dumbles racks up his second dark lord

Taa daaa!
5/3/2023 c42 Guest
It doesn't need to be original... it just has to be so obvious the organizers look like idiots.

You nailed it.
5/3/2023 c31 Guest
Yeah. Ron has the potential to be a great ally... and a horrible enemy.

I've met people very similar to Ron, and have a rather overly-emotional brain that makes me predisposed to similar terrible ways of thinking.

It takes effort to change yourself. Ron could have done that. He never does. Not really.

You can tolerate and work with someone like Ron, but you should not willingly surround yourself with those people.

(A bit of advice for those like Ron who want to be better - remind yourself to FEEL your love for those close to you. Even if you have irrational tendencies, love goes a long way to blunt that. Ron had a little of this, but as the years went by, he showed his love less and less.)
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