Just In
for Champions

10/17/2024 c31 Guest
hes evil old fucker dumbles fruity pants
10/17/2024 c26 Guest
old antichrist dumbles hes evil sinner his hubis stinks i detest him
10/10/2024 c48 RayneG45
This was amazing. It hurts to see a good story ens. But good stories always end bittersweet. No doubt I will eventually reread this at some point.
10/9/2024 c10 kukuhimanpr
a bashfest fic... no thx. many of the complex characters in hp series have compelling and understandable reasons why they do questionable things based on the history of their lives and their beliefs.

one example of this unjust bashing in this story is severus tries hard to to redeem himself of his young death eater crime days by juggling jobs as double triple agents spies plus hogwarts potion master to ensure the complete des-hun hhtruction of voldy and his followers, though he still can't escape the traumas and wrong upbringing of his childhood and young years so he's a spiteful slytherin biased jerk but still in the end a very helpful dutiful person sacrificing much of his lives for the good cause. yet you throw all his effort away turning him into irredeemable one dimensional villain character and mock him with snivellus' name so you don't care about trying to stay true to his character and all his effort and sacrifice to redeem his mistakes.

and there's also evil mastermind albus bashing trope here. while doubledoor is a very manipulative character, there's a good reason why he's paranoid of sharing his monopoly plan of british wizard's light side... because voldy is a master of manipulating and infiltrating ministry people... and albus entrust harry to the dursleys because he want harry to be save in anonimity in the muggle world behind his mother's blood ward far from the manipulations of wizarding world and albus is a big believer in 2nd chance and familial love. he realized he's wrong in trusting the dursley to raise harry with love in book 6 so he tries hard in book 6 to mentor harry personally to amend his mistake of overlooking harry's abuse and neglect under the dursleys for years...

anyway... bashfic is bad. so i'm dropping this. its a shame... because if this fic tries hard to flesh out the reasons why the complex 'good side' characters such as severus and albus do questionable things and still show the good side of their personalities and relevancy to the plot, this would have been a top tier harry fleur fic.
10/5/2024 c18 Guest
That broke my heart
9/28/2024 c33 KYKid942
Autoincorrect? More like autocorrupt.
9/17/2024 c4 Guest
I’ve never understood life debts in this fandom. Supposedly Wormtail owes him one from the third book and now Fleur in this story. Wouldn’t Ginny owe him one from the Chamber? Sirius from the Dementors? It just doesn’t make sense. If you want to apply a law of magic, it has to apply evenly.
9/12/2024 c48 SirCharlieIII
Reviewing to say that this is story may have been stolen and added on AO3 with another name. On AO3 the name is "The Flowers Savior" by IronAngel88. I'm sorry if it's the author that put the story there.
9/10/2024 c48 Guest
Not too bad this. While i think you laid it on a bit hard with all the abused child bit - which if you consider the how harry behaved in the originals is quite far from how he turned out here, it was a good read. Granted, this is an AU of sorts so it explains the far worse dursley experience, but i feel that Dumbledore's reasoning in the end was far too… how should i say, out of the blue? Weak? Uncharacteristic? What, going from his whole good wizard fighting the European tyrant philosophy which resulted in him fighting Johny Depp to causing a kid to suffer just so he could get a double kill title? Going from the ‘Greater Good’ to something selfish? Its just too far from who he actually is as a person. Dark or light, dumbles has always been a greater good sort of guy. Your dumbles is too far from that, not to mention his lack of fact checking, which for someone so manipulative and controlling, is another clear inconsistency.
Either way, thats just a little bit at the end and a decent time within the novel where he should have checked, but its just me asking for a more true to character representation of everyone’s favourite gramps high on E numbers.

Either way, good work!
8/31/2024 c38 maiqsmail
I'm starting to think that the only existing curse breaker in the whole magical world is Bill Weasel.
8/31/2024 c31 maiqsmail
Ron bashing? How is this bashing if it's all in-character and canon-compliant?
Yes, I don't like the weasel, how could you tell?
8/30/2024 c23 maiqsmail
"written more than a decade ago" - oh, is this a rewrite? Or just brushing up?
8/30/2024 c20 maiqsmail
His guardians are french. Prophet and Minister are owned by Malfoy. Hogwarts is run by Dumbles who proved to be an enemy here.
What's stopping Harry from ditching Britain and moving to France permanently?
8/30/2024 c19 maiqsmail
Wait, it's not? Huh.
8/30/2024 c17 maiqsmail
Kinda OOC for Molly. Yes, she's an overbearing bint in canon, but only for her own brood. We have seen a contrast when she would lay into Ronald then turn to Harry and call him "Harry, dear".
More IC for her in this situation would be to go to someone with more authority and straighten things out. Logically, that would be first Arthur, then Dumbles, with letters fired up to her in-school children to get more info meanwhile.
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