Just In
for Champions

7/25/2010 c1 bitter.sweet.disasters
OMG pls update soon...its really good soo far
7/25/2010 c1 S-Wanderer999
A nice chapter and I'm looking forward to reading more. When Fleur was mentioning about what happens with a Veela owing a life debt, I thought of Harry being thankful it was a Veela thing and not a female thing (otherwise Hermione and Ginny would be invovled as well).
7/25/2010 c1 lectorsum
After the first chapter and in less than 400 words, you have developed an wonderful plot. In writing from Fleur's POV, you have

explored her character and that of her father, you have already indicated that Dumbledore and company are in for a lot of aggravation and also offered the possibility that Harry may leave Hogwarts. Very well done, I feel sure that this will be a heart-warming story exploring the relationships between an insecure young lady and the boy with whom circumstances have forced her to bond.

Tibi grates ago fabellae novae, habeo huius monere. Ave atque vale, Lector
7/25/2010 c1 7Tentrees
Ok. Letssee were you take this.
7/25/2010 c1 TralfamadoreUndone
Hmm,nice start.Just don't abandon the fic..there are some veela life debt stories out there,but a good Harry\Fleur fic is always appreciated.Subscribing to the story... :]
7/25/2010 c1 TNT220
I don't mind teasers for sotires that seems to be bad, but when a story has so much promise as yours i HATE teasers :-)

It seems like you are putting a great deal into Fleur's character and I love it. The storyline sounds promising and it really drags the erader in..

Please start posting the story soon (read now :-) ) I want to read it..

7/25/2010 c1 12Draton
looks fun , yay for probable veela cliche. Well written, so far, you get the benefit of the doubt for now and i look forward to reading more
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