Just In
for Champions

6/25/2024 c48 3Detsella Morningdew
This fic has one of the highest praises I can give it - I actually read it completely, twice. As in, I already was familiar with the plot, but it was still very enjoyable.

Usually that only happens with complex books, (Harry Potter source material, the Bible, Redwall, etc.) where I find new things on each read, or the story is fulfilling emotionally.

This is the latter case. Of all similar fics, this does the best job at showing emotions, not telling them. Love, joy, anger, etc. It's not a literary masterpiece, but it doesn't need to be.

Thanks for writing it.
6/24/2024 c31 Detsella Morningdew
Yeah, I uh... despite this being a "bashing fic", the characters aren't exactly OOC. Maybe a few times where Hermione should have been up in arms about something, but you already addressed that.

I don't think Dumbledore is inherently evil. But he does a lot of evil things and falls back on old habits (which is a common thing for people in their old age), going back to old beliefs and thought processes as he singlemindedly tries to win a war that he believes only he can win.

He desperately searches for a way to make Harry survive (notice his triumph at Voldy taking his blood, a potential tie to life after his "sacrifice"), but he never considers that others might have better ideas. Or that someone who grew up in love could indeed give their life up for others. He went to what he knew, manipulation, instead of what he barely knew, love.

(Also, his obsession with Snape is because Snape's "redemption" because of "love" is what he desperately hopes is his own redemption, where his path was changed by the death of Ariana. He can't concieve the idea that Snape didn't genuinely love Lily, or that he genuinely was redeemed, because he'd have to examine his own mistakes too closely for comfort.)

At least that's my educated guess.
6/24/2024 c5 Detsella Morningdew
I think Rowling got caught between wanting to write an average guy, a kid with a bad life, and, uh, not knowing how to write guys that weren't terrible. (Neville was so shy he barely interacted with anyone, other than to be beaten down, then when he got his confidence in high stress, we barely saw him. So I wouldn't exactly call that a fully written positive boy. Everyone else was at the minimum lazy, often dismissive of any help, and often jealous idiots. Even non main characters. Only exception is the Twins, who only get "screentime" when they're being funny tricksters, or serious about helping out. We never live alongside them.)
6/19/2024 c1 Pepperonyfan1982
Another childish retarded Snape basher are we?

6/11/2024 c48 Stormbow
Wonderful story.

This was one of the early fanfictions I read and loved back when I started reading fanfiction 10 years ago, and it's been in my top-five favorite unfinished stories, but now it's complete!

I'm not one of those Hermione haters out there, and I loved that she joined their lives. I could say so much else, but can't at this time. I'm not a big Harry/Ginny fan, but I will take a look at your other stories you've been writing, especially your Stargate cross-over.

Take care, and thanks again for another Completed favorite!
6/10/2024 c48 lmao
So you just threw an intruder on their relationship - making it last chapter lesbian polyamory, and if we don't like that it's because we hate Hermione...
6/10/2024 c48 ak
bonne fic!
6/7/2024 c43 Vampireking40
If at the time this story was being written I would put the blame on that creature being there on one person Umbridge.
5/23/2024 c33 Firehawk2213
I forgot about that too, Fleur. lol
5/22/2024 c46 Guest
I enjoyed THE One, not one of many. In Canon, Dumbledore tried to push prophecy. Left Harry weak and unprepared.

One of many reasons fanfiction exploded.
5/17/2024 c48 Reshi47
Thank you for this story. You are truly amazing for writing this fanfic, thank you!
5/3/2024 c1 Overide22
Great story, thank you for writing it.

I only have a few comments. One, I don’t believe there would be any way Snape could have smuggled a wand in his sock. While the Malfoys were jerks, they weren’t stupid. I don’t believe they both would have attempted to kill Harry in front of all those witnesses.

I still enjoyed your writing and I appreciate you sharing with us.
5/3/2024 c37 Nada3
viktor just comes up at chapter 37
5/3/2024 c37 Nada3
huh, i just realized that durmstrangs students never get mentioned in this story. i wonder why
5/1/2024 c48 suziq968
This was fantastic! I don't know how I missed it for all these years but that kind of made it better, there were some very funny and creative parts. I'm so glad you posted your rant on flamers because they honestly have no business sabotaging other authors when they usually haven't ever written anything. I've also noticed that many of them are practically illiterate and have more typos in their so-called reviews then any of the stories they complain about. Thanks for this, especially considering the decade break.
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