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for The Gaia Girls and the Stone Keeper

9/30/2012 c1 1fingersstainedwithink
10/19/2010 c1 anonymous
good job man! love the story! keep it up and i wish you'd update reading the titan's curse. once again good stories. both of them.
9/28/2010 c1 sshhh
You have three chapters in one. You could have divided it. It's nice, the plot. Does it really has a connection to PJO? I'll wait for the next chapter.

P.S. Strange names... LOL. :)
8/31/2010 c1 Faith
Really good start!
8/31/2010 c1 Guest
Good story! Please update titans curse!
8/28/2010 c1 8TheSeverusSnapeFanClub
This could be its own story! It doesn't seem to have much to do with Percy Jackson yet. Just Greek mythology.
7/27/2010 c1 waterpoloplayer
Wow, this is really god! keep it up!

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