Just In
for To Hell With Logic

6/2/2015 c6 Tiana
This good. Please write more
12/5/2013 c6 bluebellswede
Loving this, please write more soon!
11/10/2013 c6 13Suga Bee
This was perfect! :) this story is so fluid, each part so meaningful and fitting, I'm absolutely addicted! I hope to god there's more to come!

Your loyal and avid reader,
Suga Bee
6/28/2013 c6 1Tris Holmes
Cool! Was that the end? It was awesome! Thanks! Live long and prosper!
12/24/2012 c6 Guest
Kirk epic fails

Spock ftw!
7/16/2012 c6 5InsaneKittenProductions
I do have one question: Who tops?
6/21/2011 c5 2azaleadreaming
this story is freaking awesome

i love spock prime, the sneaky bastard

pretts please update :)

2/15/2011 c6 5Magpie1600
This is great. You've got Jim and Spock nailed. Can't wait for the next episode.
2/7/2011 c6 T'Shira
very good, funny as well, love the story, can't wait for the next update
2/7/2011 c6 59MirrorFlower and DarkWind
good old jim always putting his foot in his mouth hahah nice job
2/7/2011 c6 Aaa
This is great - I can hear their voices when I read it!
2/7/2011 c6 Fairygirl24
i liked this chapter. it was really sweet.
2/7/2011 c6 Ster J
This chapter had the perfect ending lines. Bravo!
9/3/2010 c5 1O.o-Fox-fire-o.O
I love this story xDDDD

I can't wait until the next chapter
8/6/2010 c5 14Maranni123
XD Yes. Yes it was.

Oh, go Uhura. :D For some reason, seeing her talk circles around Jim into doing what she wants makes me like her even more. ;D Plus, us girls just rock so... yeah! XD

This chapter was adorable and quite entertaining, but now, I want the date chapter even more! :D Can't wait for your next update my friend! 10/10!
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