Just In
for Wasser Puppe

7/21/2014 c10 FavFan
Loved it. Can't wait to start the sequel.
12/2/2012 c10 7BreadGirl0797
That was a very interesting story. I for sure know their characters better. Great job!
8/18/2012 c10 jenefaner
A very intriguing story! I look forward to reading Borderline.
7/23/2012 c10 KinaSakria
This chapter was so good! I don't want this story to end! D':
7/22/2012 c10 11Wordspin
Very nice ending. It does a good job explaining how Aster survived. And seeing the softer side of Sabertoorh was, dare I say it, sweet.
7/22/2012 c10 kungfupandabear
Wa! So good! I'm gonna go read borderline now!
7/18/2012 c9 Wordspin
It was quite nice to see this scene from Aster's point of view. Apart from some punctuation errors here and there (due to haste no doubt), it was very well-written.
7/18/2012 c9 Kina
This chapter made me want to cry. ;_; Very good though! I really liked how you incorporated the German in there. Let's just hope you don't make Victor take his rage out on Ivy. : o It'd be interesting, though.
4/1/2011 c8 10Silver-Squirrel
So awesome! Please update soon! Can't wait ^.^
3/25/2011 c8 11Wordspin
Love it, love it, love it! The description, the detail, the scenes, it's great! Can't wait for the next chapter, it would be perfect to see that particular one from Aster's point of view.

Keep it up!

12/17/2010 c7 Wordspin
Apart from some mistakes here and there (mostly omitted words), I loved it! No need to mention, the pace of the story and Aster's gradual transformation are great!
12/5/2010 c6 LochlynD
Love this! I love the title too. Are you German? I love the Germans! Keep writing and I will keep reading.
12/3/2010 c6 Wordspin
Beautiful chapter! I loved the way you introduced Aster's transformation into Stryker's puppet.
10/31/2010 c5 7Sera22
Interesting story but I advise you to get a beta reader to prevent more mistakes in your story. They are too much even for me, a reader whose mother language is not English.

10/20/2010 c5 KinaSakria
omigawd, when you said your dark side came out your were NOT kidding. O: good job. :)
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