Just In
for Hurts to Heal

8/8/2010 c1 3xxxiloveyoudarlingxxx
hey you don't know me, but i understand what you're going through if that whole scenario happened to you, because i did the same thing after my last break up. it was just horrible, and i'd love to talk to you about it, i'm in no position to judge. feel free to message me about what's going on. cutting, isn't the way to go, but i cracked and it was my only escape. if you're feel like that, you can talk to me about it. i'm here for you, i won't tell you to stop, just try to help you stop on your own. alright btw i loved the story, made me cry.
8/4/2010 c1 76sheriff stilinski
Like like like like a lot!

8/2/2010 c1 20princesstaranee
This is really good - so angsty but incredibly well written. You make Sonny come alive and give her so much depth. It's very believable. :)

I do hope, however, that 'what is going on with [you]' is not this. Write the sad stories to be happy. :)
8/1/2010 c1 4910millionpeople
Wow, this is...

This is amazing. I can't imagine someone going through this, but you managed to pull it off effortlessly. And, I see I'm not the only GGD-obsessed kid in this fandom :D They have the deepest lyrics sometimes... (:
8/1/2010 c1 Willow
OOPS! I signed off as "Emma", not "Willow". I was thinking of your name, not mine. Silly me. Sorry! :P
8/1/2010 c1 permanentlyinactive9318
I'm very squeamish around blood...and this did make me squeamish. It was a very sad one-shot. I hope you're not cutting yourself, Emma! :( Please get help.

Call upon God. You might think He's not real...but look around yourself. What do you see? Creation. God IS there. God MADE you. God CARES.

And I care. Very much. I'm thinking of you, Emma!
8/1/2010 c1 MaGgIeIsAsTaR
So sad. But I love it. Emo Sonny. Very original.

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