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for Katekyo Hitman Reborn Beta

8/8/2011 c2 Starred
its really good nya~~!please update soon nya~~~!
8/28/2010 c1 1SeraphX3
Hope you get to update this fanfiction soon ;) sounds interesting and I loved your opening(wish I could type such a nice opening to my fanfic as well) 8D
8/5/2010 c2 chinchilla donut
It seems interesting, I hope you get to writing this story!

8/3/2010 c2 2Tobalerone
ug, dont remind me about damn school! well, update soon!
8/2/2010 c1 2Fairy Skull
I want to know more,I want to know more,I want to know more! Your story is sounding I cant wait to read more!
8/2/2010 c1 2Tobalerone
:) sounds good! update soon, i want to know what happens next! and try to make the next chap longer!1111
8/2/2010 c1 e-skye
I think this was very short but a good start for a multi-chapter story. You should totally continue with this, it may turn to be more opular than you think. I can't wait to find out more information on your OC and I think your description of Reborn was very great! It is gravity-defying, I'll have to use that sometime. Still, continue, continue, I'll be waiting patiently for the next chapter.

8/1/2010 c1 6XxXKanbeki
A mechanic? lol that oughta be interesting x3

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