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for Who need's KC?

12/29/2014 c1 Guest
I thought it was great.
11/23/2010 c1 jayde
i felt bad for K.C in the beginning, but towards the end ... what an ass :P
8/26/2010 c1 24Adoxagraphy.Angelus
Aw, I love it, Sarah! Eclare is so cute!

Ttyl! *Hugs*
8/24/2010 c2 4SerenitySoldier97
i la-la-la LOVE this. I finally read a completed fanfic with KC getting all jealous and Eli being all up on him saying "EY YOU, YEA YOU, GET AWAY FROM MY GIRL"


awesome job (:
8/23/2010 c2 2Sonorous Serendipity
aww cute ♥
8/14/2010 c1 FrostyNights
I didn't understand anything :P

But I liked it :D
8/12/2010 c2 2Xo.LovelyWonder.Xo
Aww. I wish it wasn't just a two-shot! T was so good though!absoltley loved it and can't wait to read more!
8/12/2010 c1 Xo.LovelyWonder.Xo
He then continued to point at the backwards Clare, mouthing 'Mine'. After a quick snicker, Eli continued, a soft chuckle heard in the distance."

That was the best quote of this chapter! I loved this and you are a great writer can't wait to read chp. 2!
8/12/2010 c2 11bickering-sidekicks
Ha, you just have to "LOL" at the title. I mean, WHO NEEDS CASEY? ;)

Eh, I've always hated Jenna. Stealing boyfriends, now accusing people of messing with a guy's heart to make an ex jealous! Tisk tisk tisk. You know, I wouldn't be suprised if this happened in the show. Well, i mean, probably not The Chantay bit, but when Kc breaks up with Jenna...
8/12/2010 c2 4Ember Darla
Man, well i loved it while it lasted. Really Cute!
8/12/2010 c2 5ninjacat5
i loved it! awesome job!
8/12/2010 c2 2Angellover-Tvd-Charmed
this is good i hope you continue
8/12/2010 c2 1browneyedgirl713
So good:) Oh and I think I read your other one shot, but I didn't review...I'm sorry!

xoxo Jenna
8/10/2010 c1 shattered melodies
I adored this! It made me laugh, and I constantly said "In your FACE, K.C.!" It's what he deserves after rudely dumping Clare for the snobby Jenna. :) I love Eli and Clare together... :) And I loveddd this. 3
8/9/2010 c1 35Riceball in the Basket
Awww! That was cute. And KC got what he deserved. GAH I don't like him any more. Ever since Jenna...

Anyhoo, that was cute! ^^
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