Just In
for Towards the Light

8/27/2023 c9 Guest
Nest chap please
9/13/2021 c9 Cau Jena
Stay well ConvictedDreamer
9/6/2021 c9 soodarling
Trop déçu que t’es abandonné la fin! C’était une bonne idée que t’as mis à là poubelle
7/19/2017 c9 1NarutoAdmirer21
This is so good!
It's so interesting and well written and I am feel all the different feelings you write about!
This is absolutely amazing and I love it so much!
Can't wait to see what'll happen next!
7/23/2016 c9 Guest
Why the hell is this story discontinued? It is one good material! Ow, such a shame. I hope you would change your decision otherwise. No offense.
6/30/2016 c3 6my 2 guys
that was good keep the chapters coming
6/30/2016 c2 my 2 guys
that was good keep the chapters coming
6/30/2016 c1 my 2 guys
that was good keep the chapters coming
9/1/2014 c9 SOulWindWALKER
i do want to hear it! i do!
8/18/2014 c5 SOulWindWALKER
8/18/2014 c4 SOulWindWALKER
need more naruto pov! i love the way you write it x
8/18/2014 c3 SOulWindWALKER
ahhh, i can't wait for him to wake up! i need to know what happened to naruto!
8/18/2014 c2 SOulWindWALKER
another great chapter!
8/18/2014 c1 SOulWindWALKER
amazing opening to a story! i an so hooked!
7/22/2014 c9 1cthulucoon
Seriously?! You stop and give up just before we could finally understand what's going on! Not cool!
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