Just In
for Towards the Light

8/4/2010 c1 5totaltheTERRIER
I like this! It's more original and descriptive that I would have thought from the summary...maybe spice that up a bit? And the grammar is mostly okay, just some mixing up of "is" and "are". I would say make it multi-chaptered!
8/4/2010 c1 3TheWritingOwl
i think you should continue with this story! Make it multichaptered. It's really good!
8/4/2010 c1 SuzyQ
Idk, the Sakura pairing kind of kills the story for me. I'd have rather you would have gone with Hinata as Naruto's pairing.
8/4/2010 c1 GatorLHA2
Well written, easy to understand and comprehend.

Keep going, don't stop
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