2/10/2013 c9
you know,considering the fact that english is your second language,your english is a lot better then most people,even people who have spoken english there whole ,your story is absolutley beautiful,i love it so much,please come off hiatus soon and ,im gonna take a guess and say that naruto has multiple personality disorder,which he got so that he could protect his mind?am i right?Please update soon,ARIGATOU GOZAIMOUS!

you know,considering the fact that english is your second language,your english is a lot better then most people,even people who have spoken english there whole ,your story is absolutley beautiful,i love it so much,please come off hiatus soon and ,im gonna take a guess and say that naruto has multiple personality disorder,which he got so that he could protect his mind?am i right?Please update soon,ARIGATOU GOZAIMOUS!
1/18/2013 c9 waldo071
Ok. This story is amazing. Only thing I can complain about if I try real hard (for constructive criticism! ) is that the narusaku relationship isn't clearly defined as of yet. I dont want you to just go ahead and put it out plainly but I hope that you haven't forgotten that the definition will need to be put into the story. Not asking for it right away but just wanting to make sure that it is on its way in the usual awesome flow that you write in.
Now the biggest issue. Please update quicker. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAASSS SSSSSSEEEEEEEE.
I dont want to stay in limbo for months before getting to read your epicness.
Fav'd and Foll'd :P
Ok. This story is amazing. Only thing I can complain about if I try real hard (for constructive criticism! ) is that the narusaku relationship isn't clearly defined as of yet. I dont want you to just go ahead and put it out plainly but I hope that you haven't forgotten that the definition will need to be put into the story. Not asking for it right away but just wanting to make sure that it is on its way in the usual awesome flow that you write in.
Now the biggest issue. Please update quicker. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAASSS SSSSSSEEEEEEEE.
I dont want to stay in limbo for months before getting to read your epicness.
Fav'd and Foll'd :P
12/16/2012 c9
2Konoha's new Princess
Yea, that is a definite cliffhanger...Does Hiatus mean that you are not gong to continue?...Darn...i was so into this, when i finished this chapter, i was all like, "Where is the button to go to the next chapter?!" if you ever continue this, i think it would be a great story.

Yea, that is a definite cliffhanger...Does Hiatus mean that you are not gong to continue?...Darn...i was so into this, when i finished this chapter, i was all like, "Where is the button to go to the next chapter?!" if you ever continue this, i think it would be a great story.
12/16/2012 c2 Konoha's new Princess
"I send Pakkun with the message," Well, it should be "I sent Pakkun with the message," because it shows past tense. Our silly English language. Good job by the way!
"I send Pakkun with the message," Well, it should be "I sent Pakkun with the message," because it shows past tense. Our silly English language. Good job by the way!
9/6/2012 c9
2White Hair and Violet Eyes
Yes, this would be classified as a cliffhanger- A MAJOR CLIFFHANGER! The flashbacks were good (better than others I have read) and also...PLEASE KEEP WRITING THIS! I read all 9 chapters in less than ten minutes and I am hungry for more of your fabulous ideas! P.S. Could you have a test performed later about all of the Rookie 9 and Naruto's other friends just come and say thier catch phrases?
I keep thinking of Shikamaru seeing Naruto and him saying, "Troublesome" and then Naruto thinking of clouds and murmuring 'lazy bum' under his breath! HA! HA! HA! Anyway, love your story and I hope to hear from you soon! :)

Yes, this would be classified as a cliffhanger- A MAJOR CLIFFHANGER! The flashbacks were good (better than others I have read) and also...PLEASE KEEP WRITING THIS! I read all 9 chapters in less than ten minutes and I am hungry for more of your fabulous ideas! P.S. Could you have a test performed later about all of the Rookie 9 and Naruto's other friends just come and say thier catch phrases?
I keep thinking of Shikamaru seeing Naruto and him saying, "Troublesome" and then Naruto thinking of clouds and murmuring 'lazy bum' under his breath! HA! HA! HA! Anyway, love your story and I hope to hear from you soon! :)
8/12/2012 c10 orphanedforeverrestinpeace
I would be quite happy to adopt this if you don't want to continue it. I would hate it if you just stopped it. If you decide to just keep going later, that would be great, but if you're absolutely sure that's what you want, I can do it.
I would be quite happy to adopt this if you don't want to continue it. I would hate it if you just stopped it. If you decide to just keep going later, that would be great, but if you're absolutely sure that's what you want, I can do it.
8/12/2012 c8 orphanedforeverrestinpeace
Yes, yes I do. Random question back: Do YOU have any idea how hard it is to act out a serious scene while pulling on your pants?
Yes, yes I do. Random question back: Do YOU have any idea how hard it is to act out a serious scene while pulling on your pants?
8/12/2012 c1 orphanedforeverrestinpeace
This looks great! You've mastered one of the things I love: the art of altered thought processes. When something happens and messes up the mind, they often think differently, it's hard to make them rational enough to get somewhere in life while still clearly displaying their madness. I can already tell that you're a great author!
This looks great! You've mastered one of the things I love: the art of altered thought processes. When something happens and messes up the mind, they often think differently, it's hard to make them rational enough to get somewhere in life while still clearly displaying their madness. I can already tell that you're a great author!
8/7/2012 c5
15Sanauria Maldhun
Yeah! Naruto has amnesia! Time for angst NaruSaku(i hope)! I loved this chapter, and can't wait for the next! I am reading!

Yeah! Naruto has amnesia! Time for angst NaruSaku(i hope)! I loved this chapter, and can't wait for the next! I am reading!
8/6/2012 c1 Sanauria Maldhun
I love it! The way you wrote- Naruto being so confused and all, made me REALLY like it! It's really interesting too!
I love it! The way you wrote- Naruto being so confused and all, made me REALLY like it! It's really interesting too!
1/6/2012 c1
Where? Where is the next chapter T^T? please don't make me suffering from 'Need to Read'!
I love your story T^T its...incredible! Keep up the good work.

Where? Where is the next chapter T^T? please don't make me suffering from 'Need to Read'!
I love your story T^T its...incredible! Keep up the good work.
9/28/2011 c9 happy everyday life
I loved the part where cracks and ripples in Naruto's mind, has a psychological meaning behind it. That idea was a genius!
There are so many unanswered questions I want to know! Why doesn't Sasuke visit the hospital when he is supposed to be really close to Naruto? Who betrayed Naruto? WHO is the guy lying on the hospital bed when the real Naruto is trapped in that guy's head? and just Why does Kabuto and Orochimaru need to do experiments on NARUTO when he doesn't have the Kyuubi inside him anymore?
I loved the part where cracks and ripples in Naruto's mind, has a psychological meaning behind it. That idea was a genius!
There are so many unanswered questions I want to know! Why doesn't Sasuke visit the hospital when he is supposed to be really close to Naruto? Who betrayed Naruto? WHO is the guy lying on the hospital bed when the real Naruto is trapped in that guy's head? and just Why does Kabuto and Orochimaru need to do experiments on NARUTO when he doesn't have the Kyuubi inside him anymore?
9/28/2011 c5 happy everyday life
Great Chapter. I love the way you describe the situation thoroughly and I love your writing style. Keep it up!
Great Chapter. I love the way you describe the situation thoroughly and I love your writing style. Keep it up!