Just In
for Towards the Light

9/28/2011 c3 happy everyday life
I think it's realistic. I also like the pace. Not too fast and not too slow. Keep it coming;)
9/28/2011 c2 happy everyday life
I think your writing is perfect that there really isn't anything that I have to point out.
9/28/2011 c1 happy everyday life
Wow. You have a way with words. I think it has great potential! Please continue:)
9/12/2011 c9 narutofan
update soon please
9/12/2011 c8 narutofan
Poor naruto
9/12/2011 c7 narutofan
He finally remembered her name, it is going forward :D
9/12/2011 c6 narutofan
Grrr, Kabuto...
9/12/2011 c5 narutofan
Naruto does not remember her :?
9/12/2011 c4 narutofan
9/12/2011 c3 narutofan
9/12/2011 c2 narutofan
9/12/2011 c1 narutofan
Poor Naruto...
8/2/2011 c9 Krows Scared
Great story, only just found it after reading your other lol! and don't worry so much about your English and Grammar, most English people are useless with it anyway and you're doing fine :)

6/6/2011 c9 Hiya
4/12/2011 c10 13Circle of Phoenix
This is a poke. A reminder from a reader who actually gets a kick out of this fic. So, if you're still working on it, or have writers block or whatever... I'd really like to see it continued. :)

Drop me a pm if you'd like a little help. Or something.
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