3/17/2011 c10
If you would like to have someone to be a backboard for ideas with, just PM me. I believe in helping people get over their writer's block, and sometimes I just need someone to talk through ideas with to get a good direction of where to go. If you would like, I can do that with you. Just PM.

If you would like to have someone to be a backboard for ideas with, just PM me. I believe in helping people get over their writer's block, and sometimes I just need someone to talk through ideas with to get a good direction of where to go. If you would like, I can do that with you. Just PM.
2/14/2011 c9 celious2
Wow what an incredible and very interesting story. I really like how you wrote all events and the structure of the story is really well done. I deeply hope you'll continue it because it's really entertaining and I just couldn't stop reading till the last chapter you updated.
Naruto's story must be very interesting and very sad at the same time.
I love all emotions you put in each chapter as well and how you switched between Sakura and Naruto's point of views. Very ingenious.
All in all I can't wait to know what you planned for the next chapter and I deeply hope your writerblock will be gone soon :D In the meantime take care.
Wow what an incredible and very interesting story. I really like how you wrote all events and the structure of the story is really well done. I deeply hope you'll continue it because it's really entertaining and I just couldn't stop reading till the last chapter you updated.
Naruto's story must be very interesting and very sad at the same time.
I love all emotions you put in each chapter as well and how you switched between Sakura and Naruto's point of views. Very ingenious.
All in all I can't wait to know what you planned for the next chapter and I deeply hope your writerblock will be gone soon :D In the meantime take care.
2/9/2011 c10
Normally I'm to lazy to review. *Bad Habit*
But I felt for once I should. I honestly find this story amusing as heck and very very very interesting and entertaining. I hope dearly that you update soon. As it would make my day greatly! ^^
Update soon as I'm dying to find out what exactly is going on in that noggin of Naruto's.

Normally I'm to lazy to review. *Bad Habit*
But I felt for once I should. I honestly find this story amusing as heck and very very very interesting and entertaining. I hope dearly that you update soon. As it would make my day greatly! ^^
Update soon as I'm dying to find out what exactly is going on in that noggin of Naruto's.
2/1/2011 c10
3Laine Squirrel
Hi there!
Hehe. Just read what you have of your story so far. =) And wow! I mean, where should I even start? You structure your story nicely, and I like your writing style a lot. It's very well done and organized.
I love the story plot! I want to know SO badly what happened to Naruto, and little by little you're revealing the events of the missing year. You are very good at getting people hooked. I'm so glad I didn't find your story until now because there's no way I would have been able to wait through some of your earlier cliffhangers! =)
As it is, I can't say I'm too happy with this cliffhanger, either. =P We're about to get the whole story! So much has happened. Ohhh my goodness. One thing I can't understand though, since Sasuke is so clearly worried about Naruto and since you even wrote in one of the chapters that once Naruto had convinced Sasuke to let go of his revenge and come back the two had been inseparable, then why hasn't Sasuke gone to visit Naruto once he heard that Naruto had woken up? I don't know, that part just doesn't sit well with me. (But that's it, pretty much.) =) I do think it would be bad if Sasuke showed up, though, and Naruto didn't remember him. Although it would just add to angst (and I absolutely LOVE angst), that's probably the last thing we want Sasuke to go through and poor Naruto is already having a hard enough time as it is trying to remember who Tsunade is. Good thing Sakura got through to him! It does make sense if Sasuke were the next person for Naruto on the outside to remember next, though, since they would have been the next closest. Then Tsunade or Kakashi, right?
But anyway, I'm glad that Sakura has always been there! Naruto definitely needs to have at least ONE person he knows for sure he can trust, and who else is better than Sakura? =) (I love a Sakura who's finally over Sasuke and realizes how childish the crush was.)
I want to say "PLEASE UPDATE!" but I know how bad writer's block can be, and so the only thing I can offer is a word of encouragement! You can do it! I'll wait for as long as it takes! (But chances are I'll have to go back and re-read the entire story again because I'll have forgotten everything ...) I can't wait for what's promised in the chapter to come!
Because with the ending of your last chapter, there's no way you can't tell us everything that's happened now. =P
And in any case, I just have that feeling that this story is coming to a close soon. I don't know why. I just feel like its end is drawing near. =/
What would be nice to explain, for sure, is this whole true Naruto on the inside and fake, idiot Naruto on the outside. Is the real Naruto trapped? What got him in that situation? Where's Kyuubi? Can't Naruto just take back control of his body from the false one?
Or is it like a split personality disrder that the real Naruto created when he was first taken by Orochimaru to help him handle the situation, and now the only way for him to truly and properly come back is for the fake, created Naruto to realize and acknowledge the experiences/memories he was made to block and prevent, and so by doing that will be able to reunite wholly with true Naruto.
Does that make any sense? (That was my attempt at providing you with ideas for ending your story.)
As you can see, I really want you to update.
I just thought of another idea! Because I love angst so so much. Wouldn't it just be fantastic if once Naruto was slowly starting to recover, and just when everyone thinks everything is going to be alright you pull a fast one and bring in Orochimaru and Kabuto again! (Unless they're dead ... ?) That would be such a GREAT WAY to draw out your story longer if that's what you wanted to do! Just imagine how terrified Naruto would be! It would be fantastic! (Because I'm a HUGE angst fan ...) As long as you wrote out the scene perfectly, I would totally be down with that. =)
In any case, I think I've written enough. If not providing you with motivation to randomly update this (which would certainly be wonderful), I hope that this at least made you smile. I tend to get carried away in my reviews and write really long ones ... which is why I try not to review too much.
Well, best of luck! I know you can come up with something good eventually! =) I mean, every chapter you've put up has been great. ;) Take your time, and I look forward to your next update!

Hi there!
Hehe. Just read what you have of your story so far. =) And wow! I mean, where should I even start? You structure your story nicely, and I like your writing style a lot. It's very well done and organized.
I love the story plot! I want to know SO badly what happened to Naruto, and little by little you're revealing the events of the missing year. You are very good at getting people hooked. I'm so glad I didn't find your story until now because there's no way I would have been able to wait through some of your earlier cliffhangers! =)
As it is, I can't say I'm too happy with this cliffhanger, either. =P We're about to get the whole story! So much has happened. Ohhh my goodness. One thing I can't understand though, since Sasuke is so clearly worried about Naruto and since you even wrote in one of the chapters that once Naruto had convinced Sasuke to let go of his revenge and come back the two had been inseparable, then why hasn't Sasuke gone to visit Naruto once he heard that Naruto had woken up? I don't know, that part just doesn't sit well with me. (But that's it, pretty much.) =) I do think it would be bad if Sasuke showed up, though, and Naruto didn't remember him. Although it would just add to angst (and I absolutely LOVE angst), that's probably the last thing we want Sasuke to go through and poor Naruto is already having a hard enough time as it is trying to remember who Tsunade is. Good thing Sakura got through to him! It does make sense if Sasuke were the next person for Naruto on the outside to remember next, though, since they would have been the next closest. Then Tsunade or Kakashi, right?
But anyway, I'm glad that Sakura has always been there! Naruto definitely needs to have at least ONE person he knows for sure he can trust, and who else is better than Sakura? =) (I love a Sakura who's finally over Sasuke and realizes how childish the crush was.)
I want to say "PLEASE UPDATE!" but I know how bad writer's block can be, and so the only thing I can offer is a word of encouragement! You can do it! I'll wait for as long as it takes! (But chances are I'll have to go back and re-read the entire story again because I'll have forgotten everything ...) I can't wait for what's promised in the chapter to come!
Because with the ending of your last chapter, there's no way you can't tell us everything that's happened now. =P
And in any case, I just have that feeling that this story is coming to a close soon. I don't know why. I just feel like its end is drawing near. =/
What would be nice to explain, for sure, is this whole true Naruto on the inside and fake, idiot Naruto on the outside. Is the real Naruto trapped? What got him in that situation? Where's Kyuubi? Can't Naruto just take back control of his body from the false one?
Or is it like a split personality disrder that the real Naruto created when he was first taken by Orochimaru to help him handle the situation, and now the only way for him to truly and properly come back is for the fake, created Naruto to realize and acknowledge the experiences/memories he was made to block and prevent, and so by doing that will be able to reunite wholly with true Naruto.
Does that make any sense? (That was my attempt at providing you with ideas for ending your story.)
As you can see, I really want you to update.
I just thought of another idea! Because I love angst so so much. Wouldn't it just be fantastic if once Naruto was slowly starting to recover, and just when everyone thinks everything is going to be alright you pull a fast one and bring in Orochimaru and Kabuto again! (Unless they're dead ... ?) That would be such a GREAT WAY to draw out your story longer if that's what you wanted to do! Just imagine how terrified Naruto would be! It would be fantastic! (Because I'm a HUGE angst fan ...) As long as you wrote out the scene perfectly, I would totally be down with that. =)
In any case, I think I've written enough. If not providing you with motivation to randomly update this (which would certainly be wonderful), I hope that this at least made you smile. I tend to get carried away in my reviews and write really long ones ... which is why I try not to review too much.
Well, best of luck! I know you can come up with something good eventually! =) I mean, every chapter you've put up has been great. ;) Take your time, and I look forward to your next update!
1/10/2011 c10 hello
maby u could have ino find out whats gone wrong and when they ask him whats going on and does he remember what she had found out he remembers and flashes go through his head and he starts to go insain then orochimaru comes to the villge and kills him because he now nos of what happened?
i dnt no lol but i like the story so keep going when u get and idea that is:)
maby u could have ino find out whats gone wrong and when they ask him whats going on and does he remember what she had found out he remembers and flashes go through his head and he starts to go insain then orochimaru comes to the villge and kills him because he now nos of what happened?
i dnt no lol but i like the story so keep going when u get and idea that is:)
12/28/2010 c10
2Rise Against713
I totally get what your going through. I had the same problem and I had to give i was so deep. hopefully your better than me.
anyway why don't you have Naruto attack Orochimaru or something. sorry i'm not the best help but thats what i got

I totally get what your going through. I had the same problem and I had to give i was so deep. hopefully your better than me.
anyway why don't you have Naruto attack Orochimaru or something. sorry i'm not the best help but thats what i got
12/28/2010 c10 itsa me
ok so this is partly a review, partly a question and partly trying to help out like you asked. "real naruto" in his head said that the naruto outside isn't real. is he just saying that because he has no memory, or because he is disgusted with the "idiot who refuses to face reality"? or is the naruto in control seriously not naruto? side effect of extraction? does he have a split personality?
ok so this is partly a review, partly a question and partly trying to help out like you asked. "real naruto" in his head said that the naruto outside isn't real. is he just saying that because he has no memory, or because he is disgusted with the "idiot who refuses to face reality"? or is the naruto in control seriously not naruto? side effect of extraction? does he have a split personality?
12/28/2010 c10
14ll Kairi ll
Hm . . . . If you don't mind me giving you any suggestions, lets see . . .
Maybe, since you already said you kind of know whats going to happen in the next chapter, you could do it a different chapter. Since Tsunade is trying to jog Naruto's memory, you could, if he was feeling up to it, write about him taking a walk. You never know, it could help a little.
Um . . . . while they're out on a walk, they (Who ever you want to be wih him) could visit places Naruto always went to; theramen shop, training hollow, class room, etc.
Um . . . a different idea:
One day after every one leaves the hospital, Naruto could get a bit (Not scared or paranoid, but reaaaally close) that he wants to know where he is and takes a walk by himself. He could like get really far when someone see's him, Sasuke? Jiraiya? Iruka? Anyways, they see him and start to walk with him, trying to lead him back to the hospital, but the blond refuses saying like he wants to know where he is. ? (I just realized that was another walking thing, lol)
I can't think of any cause i don't know what you wanted to happen in the next chapter. But, i hope you can figure something out real soon. I love your story verrrry much and hope you get out of writers block real soon! Good Luck!

Hm . . . . If you don't mind me giving you any suggestions, lets see . . .
Maybe, since you already said you kind of know whats going to happen in the next chapter, you could do it a different chapter. Since Tsunade is trying to jog Naruto's memory, you could, if he was feeling up to it, write about him taking a walk. You never know, it could help a little.
Um . . . . while they're out on a walk, they (Who ever you want to be wih him) could visit places Naruto always went to; theramen shop, training hollow, class room, etc.
Um . . . a different idea:
One day after every one leaves the hospital, Naruto could get a bit (Not scared or paranoid, but reaaaally close) that he wants to know where he is and takes a walk by himself. He could like get really far when someone see's him, Sasuke? Jiraiya? Iruka? Anyways, they see him and start to walk with him, trying to lead him back to the hospital, but the blond refuses saying like he wants to know where he is. ? (I just realized that was another walking thing, lol)
I can't think of any cause i don't know what you wanted to happen in the next chapter. But, i hope you can figure something out real soon. I love your story verrrry much and hope you get out of writers block real soon! Good Luck!
12/28/2010 c10
Well, for one, who's on the mission with naruto? You mentioned in anearlier chapter that he was fighting akatsuki and defending several of his friends. Obviously Ino and team 7 weren't there though. From there you determine what the original mission objective was and how they fight with the enemy. It could be a spy mission with team 8 to Otogakure and they were caught by Orochimaru and his guys, along with another akatsuki, hence why orochimaru had him for experimenting. To explain Orochimaru's "purpose" other than getting the Kyuubi, it could be that he was looking into the Uzumaki bloodlines trait of advanced healing, thanks to familial ties to the furball, or the clan's resiliency to most anything. Naruto could have escaped because a goon left the door open or something where the guards are being very stubborn and stupidly ignorant, and his subconscious self told him to run, finding team 7 and etc. Sound good? Of it is still your story, so go all out and be unpredictable, dattebayo! Lol. PS, your grammar is pretty good for a non-native English speaker. English wasn't my first language either.

Well, for one, who's on the mission with naruto? You mentioned in anearlier chapter that he was fighting akatsuki and defending several of his friends. Obviously Ino and team 7 weren't there though. From there you determine what the original mission objective was and how they fight with the enemy. It could be a spy mission with team 8 to Otogakure and they were caught by Orochimaru and his guys, along with another akatsuki, hence why orochimaru had him for experimenting. To explain Orochimaru's "purpose" other than getting the Kyuubi, it could be that he was looking into the Uzumaki bloodlines trait of advanced healing, thanks to familial ties to the furball, or the clan's resiliency to most anything. Naruto could have escaped because a goon left the door open or something where the guards are being very stubborn and stupidly ignorant, and his subconscious self told him to run, finding team 7 and etc. Sound good? Of it is still your story, so go all out and be unpredictable, dattebayo! Lol. PS, your grammar is pretty good for a non-native English speaker. English wasn't my first language either.
12/28/2010 c10
How can you not know where the story is going when I already know!
Sasuke betrayed him to Akatsuki didn't he? He wants Sakura, the bastard!~

How can you not know where the story is going when I already know!
Sasuke betrayed him to Akatsuki didn't he? He wants Sakura, the bastard!~
12/13/2010 c9 NaruSaku Fan
12/12/2010 c9 supernaturalroxs
Just started reading your story and really like it, update soon please.
Just started reading your story and really like it, update soon please.