Just In
for Rough Love

2/8/2015 c1 Sari101
I dont even know where the fuck u stay. any way, cool story.
8/2/2013 c1 6KandaxYokoxGrell
Lol I loved it!
(Don't make me clean... I'm no good at it)
10/24/2012 c1 Janehatesyou134
I dont want to clean! Fucking awsome, side stroy was halarius.
9/30/2012 c1 5Black Kitty 906
Hahahahahaha. Love what you were talking about cleaning ur house.
1/8/2012 c1 1Loki x Melinda
1/22/2011 c1 gollumsfriend
I think Orihime was a lot more OOC than Grimmjow (as far as your OOC warning goes).

Overall, the story felt immaturely written and pointless. It would have been better off with some other characters because it just didn't work with Orihime and Grimmjow.

I think you should leave A/N until the end of your story. If the reader doesn't understand the smut terms you use, they really shouldn't be here reading it in the first place.
12/24/2010 c1 25Yami Neon Crayons
G-good sto-ry, p-p please don't make me clean XOP lawlz
11/25/2010 c1 3Exorcized.Benevolence
i want a continuation :\
10/20/2010 c1 2Middonaito
The end makes it halarious XDDD
10/13/2010 c1 rielly76
um... It was very random and the parts with you speaking with your friends was kinda funny... but the story itself wasnt too so funny and the lemons werent that hardcore and were one dimensional...umm also the authors notes in the midst of the story didnt help, you should have left that until the end and umm...the characters were a little OOC so... and umm youre friends added into the story; random and weird dare i say unnecessary..and took away from where I think you were trying to go...umm i think what you pictured in your head didnt translate well this time
9/27/2010 c1 silver-blackwings
the story was great. the skit was exstermily funny. I am looking forward to ur next story. so for the misspelles working on a half an hour of sleep.
9/3/2010 c1 Un
Er, it'll be better if you add more dirty talks!

Btw i like it!
8/25/2010 c1 JazkaStar
I just read the other reviews and gawd people can be nasty. It's not exactly perfect, but I still thought it was good. The lemon wasn't as hardcore as I thought it would be, but that might be 'cause of other things I've read. ~JazkaStar~
8/18/2010 c1 anonymous
Well that was... umm... well the parts with you in it sounded like it was written by a kid i know named Nathan backe when we were in fourth grade... umm oh yea the story was pretty horrible, if you were just going for funny you hit the very edge of the target, the whole thing was just terrible but if you are indeed a girl and you are hot might I suggest getting a digital camera, a vibarator, and an account on some major porn sites and... well you know.
8/13/2010 c1 strawberries up the butt
to lazy to log in! good and funny nd i use to have gray fringed hair 2! i look like a racoonXD!
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