Just In
for Rough Love

8/11/2010 c1 Pantaloons1
I don't even want to ask if you've ever read a damn BOOK before, because I'm scared of your answer either way... This SUCKED. PERIOD. You're a terrible writer. It shouldn't even be a hobby for you on the internet, because then others have to suffer from your despicable choice in words and sentence structure. STOP WRITING UNTIL YOU LEARN HOW TO DO IT RIGHT.
8/5/2010 c1 Sienna
This story was shit it wasn't even that explict. You make the characters ooc for your own benefit, that's a big no no on ff.
8/5/2010 c1 1FrostedSunshine
Good job on the intro

Hime seemed so sad

But grimmjow swooped in to save the day (^-^)

I loved the lemon it was a lot better than the first few u did before

I agree with ur other reveiwer that it was very sight descriptive tho u could

Add in the other senses as well

Lol the two guys t tthe end was totally beyond rndom

Nd ur AN at the end ws sooo funny
8/5/2010 c1 MadnessMaddox
Not bad. Although my suggestion is to include more than just the sense of sight. Taste, texture, scent, and hearing are all important elements of sex, and you're a little lacking. *chuckles*

Plus sex rarely goes that smoothly. Least in my experience.
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