Just In
for Story Stealer!

2/18/2011 c10 8SWAC97
A while ago I was accused of stealing a story...which I did NOT do I promise with all my heart and I wish I knew who it was but it was an unknown reviewer...
8/18/2010 c4 PaCmAn FeVeR
hey my name is emily or if you've seen my reviews emilyxx i hate the fact that channyluver343 has been stealing stories.

i don't have an account on fan fiction but i'm planning on making one i have a load of ideas for stories that i will make but i read some on here and gave me ideas that have the same storyline but are different in every other way is that ok?
8/17/2010 c1 2tiffc10
I agree that this behaviour is outragious! If that person really wants attention, they should create a good story without stealing them. Thanks for alerting us. I'll report them when I see the name on the website again.

Just remember, they could have thought of the idea themselves.
8/17/2010 c9 30XxAndyIsMySaviourxX
i already reported before i read this! yay me! ugh... now i sound like london *insert shudder here*
8/16/2010 c9 7FlamingSapphires
Nemi-Fan-Channy sounds fun :P
8/15/2010 c7 Allisonfan.-12345
I saw that!
8/15/2010 c7 Loveisabattlefield

How stupid can that person be to not realize there are publish dates? Jeeez, people these days. :(
8/15/2010 c7 19MiiMyselfandTime
ive alredy done that cuz of my friend who also tlkd bout this person. theres also proof she copied it bcuz she rote Jok'd as the title when u open the fanfic!
8/11/2010 c5 1510Years-Of-FRIENDS-In-2weeks
I am sorry to all the people out there whos stories have been stolen. What kind of sick minded people would steel stories from people. I swear i will never steel a story in my life. again i feel so sorry for all you people whos stories have been stolen.
8/9/2010 c4 7CharliesConverse
Why would someone do that
8/9/2010 c4 3xXUnBreakableSoulXx
Okay I got it! I'm with you guys! I already reported her! I'm really trying too! Thanks for keeping us updated! She needs to stop & it's our job to make sure she does! Thaks keep us updated please!
8/7/2010 c3 19MiiMyselfandTime
i think ChannyLover343 has changed the name because i saw ballsofsunshine's original story's summary and i lkd at one of ChannyLover343's stories and it had a similar summary.Maybe you should update about that. It's called I Think He's Back.

8/7/2010 c1 18xxFrostedTeardropxx
Thanx for the warning u gave me on my story I know she is going to steal my story but I'll report her I'm glad we have people like u who care :)
8/7/2010 c3 7Sonny-Chad-Channy
I reported her the minute I found out. This girl is sad.
8/6/2010 c3 24ThePenguinSledder
Thanks for reporting this and calling attention to the issue- it's great that people like you are helping to put a stop to ChannyLover343. You know what would really be great? If we SWAC writers had an account strictly for tracking down plagiarists, with a wall of shame and everything :)

I'll definitely keep my eye out for her and "her" stories.

Thanks again :)

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