Just In
for Ranger's Christmas Wish

5/26 c27 Diane M Williams
An wonderful story from beginning to end. Thank you so much for writing this!
3/22 c27 1Stephannie1014
Excellent story! Thank you for sharing!
11/2/2023 c25 Guest
Ranger should invest his time and money with someone other than the burg white trash cunt Stephanie. The bitch can be the whore at Rangeman, with manwhores Lester and Tank first in line
11/2/2023 c24 Guest
Helen Plum the annoying bitch. Ranger should sick the interfering jealous fat cunt Tank on Edna
11/2/2023 c22 Guest
No, you're not a Ma'am, Lula, you're a fat toxic loud hoe bitch
10/26/2023 c22 Guest
All your stories have the fat loud toxic bitch Lula, and the the disrespectful cunts at Rangeman led by Lester
10/26/2023 c20 Guest
Morelli may just be better off without the slut immature stubborn cunt Stephanie. She and the fat black hoe bitch Lula can work the streets together
10/26/2023 c18 Guest
Cousin or not, Lester is a disrespectful asshole.
10/26/2023 c10 Guest
He fucked JE but said it was like kissing his sister. Then he doesn't tell Stephanie that he was fucking JE!
Cunt writers and their Lester Santos obsession.
10/26/2023 c9 Guest
Lester is a disrespectful asshole. These fuckers just barge into 7! He should have told Stephanie about his fuck buddy Jean Ellen before he proposed. One of your shit stories
10/26/2023 c3 Guest
The manwhore cunt Lester is groping her while consoling her
9/5/2023 c22 Guest
Ranger should walk away from the bitch. Waste of time reading this trash
9/5/2023 c21 Guest
So the dumb incompetent bitch went on her own to catch the skip. She is one stubborn bitch. Pity her mouth cannot open like that with Morelli.
9/5/2023 c17 Guest
Really stupid and immature at times
9/5/2023 c10 Guest
Why the fuckers allow everyone in his room
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