Just In
for Frustration Is a State of Mine

10/17/2022 c13 4SavKelly
10/17/2022 c8 SavKelly
IM LITERALLY SOBBBING. This story is amazing okay? Like…. AMAZING! You may say you don’t have an inner Edward voice, but you perfected him so fluently and amazingly well. Normally these stories turn out to be where Edward is a bad guy who won’t let Bella go, or Bella being COMPLETELY over Edward as if she was never inlove with him…. And always the stories end up that Bella and Edward never had a mating bond… but you perfected this story, displaying that Bella and Edward did have that bond, but they drifted apart because of natural reasons that occur in relationships. My friend actually is going through a divorce for the same exact reasons.
You didn’t make Edward the bad guy.. you didn’t make their love seem meaningless….
And you made it that Jacob was just…. Amazing. Oh Jacob I love Jacob and you just… perfected him. You captured his regular boyish teenage side where he can be brash in his thoughts, but also the sweet… kind and loving boy he is. Oh GOD I love this story. I love it.
The dialogue is just so natural. It’s so REAL. None of it sounding overly scripted at all… it’s everything. You are amazing and your writing is amazing. So far, my absolute FAVORITE EVER Jacob x Bella fic
12/11/2021 c1 Dannie
The way you wrote Bella's POV was amazing! Publish this, and people would have already mistaken that this would be canon. Actually, I wish this was canon since it made more sense than the original! You're such talented writer.
12/31/2019 c23 cloudshadow22
Just rereading old stories I had marked as favorites years ago and found this one. Enjoyed it just as much the second time around. Thanks!
6/2/2017 c23 spang
Great story, so enjoyed it!
5/14/2017 c1 32chlereklover99
Ignore the asshole calling this a train wreck. I, for one, am glad that you've taken the to right Bella the way she portrays herself, though you're much kinder than I would be to her.
1/4/2016 c23 Guest
But you have fixed nothing. Stephanies Bella is a sait compared to this subhuman version of bella. I wonder who fucked you up that you could write a hateful trainwreck like this? Bella is ugly, cruel and beyond mental... Jake is simply a male version of Bella.
4/19/2015 c1 kelly
I absolutely loved this first chapter - I can't believe English is not your first language and I adore the way you write - I'm gonna eat up the rest so fast I probably will not stop to review again, so, congrats on your talent now! :D
2/15/2015 c23 2moonliteclipse
Bella was right to be angry. They lied to her and when you lie you lose trust. I think it was sweet and showed how much Jacob loved Bella when he waited for her. Overall, I liked your story. There were parts that were rushed, but you're only human. Don't listen to what some of these haters are saying. I hope they don't deter you from writing another story.
9/23/2014 c16 Guest
or maybe the story just sucks?
9/23/2014 c6 Guest
Your Jake is horrible and your plot is awfull. Worst twilight plot ive ever read
Please, please stop!
9/23/2014 c5 Guest
You dont get it do you? There is not one single shred of originality here. Nothing that hasnt been done many times before. Nothing to make you own the story to make it yours. Edward is the same creepy, emo freak. Bella is the same clueless coward.. In fact Bella is so unsympathetic that I hope She like maybe dies so Jake is free! Bella doesnt deserve Jake and Jake deserves awsome
9/23/2014 c4 Guest
Where did you come up with this...nonsense. Another messy incoherent, inconsistent trainwreck.
Jake is nothing like Jake. Bella is fairly close to her usual pathetic whinny self but thats not really hard.
A loiusy job with Jakes charactetr and a plot that goes..nowhere. Great job...sigh ..*facepalm*
Why me?
9/23/2014 c3 Guest
Thats just unbelievably creepy. One of the worst sex scenes ive ver read. Cringeworthy and disgusting. j
Jake wouldnttouch that skank after having that piece of rotting meat near her. Ughhh just nasty!
9/23/2014 c2 Guest
I doubt even Bella would stay in a relationship that stayed emotional and physically stagnant for a half a decade with a pale, skinny, pasty, emo fossil. A misogynistic throwback to the victorian age. The premise is pretty comical actually. buit its been doonm before and done better and it was still silly. BTW every plot idea is not good.

I only live to be born again.
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