Just In
for Twilight Chaos

5/26/2013 c11 Guest
This is so funny and look I'm reviewing so you have to continue
5/23/2013 c3 Shadowperson
It shouldn't get banned just because you type chat style OMG this is the third time I reviewed on this story in one day Mine two before were the More randomness and Whaa Im reviewing please continue
5/23/2013 c2 Guest
Whhaaa Im reviewing please continue
5/23/2013 c1 Guest
More kidnappies in your basement its so funny
4/22/2012 c9 4spinning round in teacups
OOH, can i be introduced into your story? could you call me Savvy Val. (Savannah Valentina!)
4/22/2012 c2 spinning round in teacups
hahahahah! i see... FINDING NEMO! WE SO TOTALLY ROCK DUDE! i scrolled down just to say that when I saw it.
11/21/2011 c1 4Storm LizVic
So yea its so random but its soo funny! LMAO! and it's only chapter 1 that i have read yet!
9/24/2011 c1 The Last Light Before Death
9/3/2011 c11 2CallMePatrickOrCallMeNothing
Sparkily fairy of edward! Hilarous!
9/3/2011 c1 CallMePatrickOrCallMeNothing
I love this. If you are still adding chapters can you have me call Edward a sparkly fairy
6/21/2011 c1 4TwilightSky15
you have alot of spelling mistakes good story though :)
3/20/2011 c1 Salsa
AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHAHHA this was just hilarious XD Im salsa 3
3/20/2011 c1 fistfulalia
XD .. rofl!

I reviewed .. I saved U creepy characters.

*drinks some strawberry flavored blood* YUMAY. want some jasper?*thinking that he's hot*
2/20/2011 c11 Mellocestious
Wow, I just realized you haven't updated this in forever..and a half... or at least forever and a half in teenage time XD

I'm sure you couldn't have run out of idea in that insane mind of yours :O

But if you did, I'll be happy to lend you some ideas::

Truth or Dare

Someone could throw Edward into a giant volcano for meh

Make out session with Alec! (XD Jk about this one, I know this story it rated K+)

A giant dragon named fluffy eats Bella!

Talent show!:D

Everyone gets attacked by a giant living teddy bear

Haha that's just some of the things that go on in my brain everyday XD XD XD

Well, I hope you update soon. Love Ya,

12/23/2010 c11 1fayza khan
finally i made an account yipeeeeeeeeeeee 3 xx
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