Just In
for Finding Earth

5/7/2024 c19 ironspike68
This was a fantastic mesh between the two shows. Matter of fact, probably one of the better ones. Lots of room for further expansion as the “Colonials & Cyllons” grow into their own.

Thanks for the great story

2/14/2024 c19 3Fyr RedNight
This was an entertaining and absolutely captivating story.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
9/22/2023 c1 afadsfasdf
what a joke of author fiat nerfing. Their shields can handled neutron stars at close range... what a joke of a crossover for your own jacking off bs plot
8/21/2023 c19 Game
This one was fantastic
3/30/2023 c19 Guest
Aaahhhhhhhh, please do more, what happens with the Asgared, does Earth find the Furling, what happens to the to the Colonies, Aaaahhhhhhh, more more more please more
3/30/2023 c18 Guest
3/30/2023 c18 Guest
Yay Thor and the Asgared are Alive
3/30/2023 c14 Guest
Why is the universe deciding that the good guy need star wars ships, not complaining just " a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one".
3/30/2023 c14 Guest
Ay, Earth should shoo the Lucian's for stealing NATO's name.
3/30/2023 c13 Guest
Um... did the Tok'ra get a Star destroyer of some kind?
3/30/2023 c11 Guest
Is chair force a typo or was it intended
3/30/2023 c11 Guest
A Good model one?
3/30/2023 c11 Guest
No he's not
3/30/2023 c11 Guest
Yay Thors Alive
3/30/2023 c2 Guest
Why DSC-304 instead of BC- 304
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