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for Naruto Shippuden: Namikaze's Return Redux!

10/30/2024 c1 TheDragonWarriorNaruto
A great start. I love how you thoroughly explained Naruto's training regime and had him slowly mature in a reasonable fashion (I think anyway). And, I think having Naruto lose his V-Card to an OC was a good idea; that way no one in his harem can claim to be his first. I actually first read this story years prior but unfortunately, never finished it or left any reviews. I here re-reading now to correct that mistake as (no lie) this is a classic Naruto fanfic in my humble opinion.
10/28/2024 c6 Animeworld2.0
Hello, I hope you're doing well!

This is "Fiction Life" YouTube channel, where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that loves listening to them. I recently came across your story and found it so captivating that I would love to share it with my subscribers.

Channel link: FictionLife-zl3oc

With your permission, I would be honored to create a video of your story. I will give full credit to you as the original author in the video description and provide a link back to your original work. Additionally, I will share the video link in the comments of your story so you can see it for yourself.

I genuinely believe your story deserves to reach an even wider audience. Our channel is supported by the community, allowing us to continue spreading great stories like yours to new fans. If you have any suggestions, such as a preferred "What If" title or any other changes you'd like, I'd be more than happy to accommodate them.

Please let me know if this would be okay with you. Thank you so much for considering my request, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Best regards,

Fiction Life..
10/6/2024 c4 omarbaseer07
1 million yen is practically nothing , thats like 5000
10/5/2024 c26 1996.venkat
I wonder what happened to the 500 hundred or so kage bunshin that he had hidden in the Raikage's office? They should have informed him of this and he should have known.
9/10/2024 c1 OtsutsukiRaven666
Rest In Peace to Emi Shinohara the VA of Uzumaki Kushina.
9/8/2024 c9 Guest
8/29/2024 c35 Guest
Great story I love it
7/10/2024 c1 Xccelra03
This story is Trash.
6/17/2024 c4 Guest
I kind of don't hear Naruto talking I hear the author in certain his opinion into Naruto's mind don't get me wrong this is a great story but this is what's wrong with Naruto fanfiction fan off the self uncertain their voice and tell her to I can never picture now to agreeing to do any of this just not him but he's a good story but that's for sure just it makes Naruto a little OC
6/17/2024 c12 Guest
Then You should dub your friend the super pervert
6/12/2024 c1 7Spedyalarm
6/10/2024 c11 Pinumbit Coffee
Bleach canon Ichigo would one-hit Edo Madara.
6/2/2024 c1 Brian West
I clicked on this story out of curiosity. I am deeply interested in Anko x Naruto stories. I also like harem stories, I especially want a harem story that has all four of the ice queens ( Anko, Yugao, Kureni, Hanna) many Naruto. I have yet to find such a story and would gladly enjoy such a story. I do like strong Naruto stories as well. Naruto having Rinnegan works. Lately I have been finding stories about Naruto having both Senju and Uzumaki powers. Those are good too. The only thing is that barely any story makes it past the exams which is frustrating. I wish I could write but oh well. Anyway the biggest hook for me to stay on a story is Anko x Naruto. No change to the ages of either character. I have always been of the opinion that Anko’s the best girl for Naruto. Hinata is a great character but she has no chemistry with Naruto. And I hate , I hate, I HATE Sakura! Ino is meh . Some authors can write Ino decently but still a meh character.
4/6/2024 c1 chris
i liked the first few chapters however im not into harlems even though im a guy i respect women
2/29/2024 c15 Guest
Why the hell he not used hirashin?
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