Just In
for No More Pretend

9/27/2010 c3 16ScarecrowMax
Please continue you have a good thing going here.I like this story alot so continue please. Much love Dana
9/23/2010 c3 JenniferTVgirl
great story i hope to see an update soon :)
9/10/2010 c3 19the little harlequin
Another awesome chapter! xD

I love how you incorporated canon elements from the show into this chapter, it helps with the fact that I am now making this fic part of my own personal canon. :)

And, oh my gosh, the end of this chapter completely cements why I love Alpha/Whiskey so much. It is such a frakked up and twisted relationship. One minute they're kissing, the next he's trying to kill her. Oh, Alpha/Whiskey!

Can't wait for the next one. Please update soon! :D
9/10/2010 c3 17Likewow5556
Amazing chapter! I loved it! Update soon!
9/1/2010 c2 19the little harlequin
Yay! An update! xD

This was *so* awesome. I loved it! Hooray for the fabulous Alpha/Whiskey. *sighs contentedly* You write both their characters so well and I love the relationship you portray between them! :)

Also, hooray for you extending this fic to five chapters! *happy dance* I look forward to seeing the next one. Please say you'll have it up soon! Yeah, I'm terribly impatient, but only because I love this fic! *bribes you with cookies for an another update* Haha xD

P.S. Oh my gosh! I literally burst out laughing when I saw that Alpha was watching Monty Python. "That's what I love about the British... their talent for understatement... and Python." Loved the little callback to that line.
8/31/2010 c2 17Likewow5556
Amazing chapter! I loved it! Alpha is amazingly written. I liked seeing him act sweet to Claire. Update soon!
8/13/2010 c1 Likewow5556
I loved it! I can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon!
8/12/2010 c1 19the little harlequin
Yay! You accepted my challenge! :)

OK, *this* was awesome! I absolutely adore this concept and, well, I think everyone knows that I have a major love for Alpha/Whiskey! :P

I really like the way you portray the characters here, I especially loved their conversation - I thought that was very well done! I absolutely can't wait for more of this, so please, please, *please* update soon! xD

Also, feel free to send the next chapter of Evolution along to me when you're ready! :)

P.S. What Alpha/Whiskey fanvid inspired you to write this? :)
8/11/2010 c1 1Athena's.Wise.Girl
Though I caught many spelling errors, I'm really enjoying this.

It's a great concept, and I have a place in my heart for Claire/Alpha :)

I suggest you get a beta... or at least look over your work more carefully.

I can't wait for the next installment.

Update soon,

Wise Girl
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