10/11/2010 c1 permanentlyinactive9318
Okay, it's so hard to resist reading this once again. :P It's SO cute beyond words. :D Heehee! You ROCK at writing Eclare, Sarah. ;) Love ya!
Your super beta. ;D
P.S. I would favorite this, but alas, I cannot. XD
Okay, it's so hard to resist reading this once again. :P It's SO cute beyond words. :D Heehee! You ROCK at writing Eclare, Sarah. ;) Love ya!
Your super beta. ;D
P.S. I would favorite this, but alas, I cannot. XD
8/14/2010 c1
I'm reviewing my own story because I felt like it! Haha wish more people reviewed this, I thought it was one of my best works!

I'm reviewing my own story because I felt like it! Haha wish more people reviewed this, I thought it was one of my best works!
8/12/2010 c1 stacee
your author's note at the end was very similar to my obsession with eclare! I stayed up til 1 in the morning just reading fanfics of them on my phone, lol. Aren't they super cute together?
your author's note at the end was very similar to my obsession with eclare! I stayed up til 1 in the morning just reading fanfics of them on my phone, lol. Aren't they super cute together?
8/10/2010 c1 MysteryGirlOfDegrassi
Freakin LOVE this! Please continue&update faaasssttt! I really liked the kiss, amazing job! Eli&Clare are such an adorbs couple- I want an Eli! So my one and only goal this school year is to find my own personal Eli(; Anyways, posty post please!
Freakin LOVE this! Please continue&update faaasssttt! I really liked the kiss, amazing job! Eli&Clare are such an adorbs couple- I want an Eli! So my one and only goal this school year is to find my own personal Eli(; Anyways, posty post please!
8/10/2010 c1 Franny
8/10/2010 c1
Sarah, this was amazing! You are an amzing writer(: I'm jealous! I really liked the whole idea and you detailed it perfectly. I love the interaction between Clare and Eli and how he let her vent(: I loved it. Great job! :D

Sarah, this was amazing! You are an amzing writer(: I'm jealous! I really liked the whole idea and you detailed it perfectly. I love the interaction between Clare and Eli and how he let her vent(: I loved it. Great job! :D