Just In
for Divided for you

2/7/2012 c1 6Aisilinn
GOD! I hate when people make Mary Sue's.

It just makes the story less enjoyable.
12/26/2011 c5 12Allaxei
hehehehe I LUV IT LOL!
11/29/2010 c4 3forzaazzurri
I really, really, enjoy this story, it's way better than anything I could think up, the only thing is just spelling. But seriously, the plot's way better then most trash people post up on this site.
11/15/2010 c5 6Cooked Sashimi
an interesting idea, can't wait to
11/8/2010 c5 6MinervaDescent
Lol, Possessive Ichigo is hot! xD And Dark Ichi just makes it better. lol, Update Soon!
11/8/2010 c5 5wolviegurl
I absolutely loved it! There aren't many Ichigo OC's around. Please update again soon. I can't wait until they start to get to know each other and the romance starts.
11/8/2010 c5 ninjamonkey20
Oh my freakin gosh! *Glomps Littleredridingwho* I am so happy you updated and it was AWESOME! I would say the story is more M than T and I like it that way: so I vote M. BUWHAHAHAHA! *cough* Anywhos, again, I'm loving the way Ichigo and his hollow interact and look forward to what will happen when the girl is awake. Also, your bit of lemon was good, I could totally see Ichigo reacting like that (being all 'I'm bad and this is wrong'). So keep up the wonderful work =D
10/21/2010 c4 17MarshaDecamiro
this story is awsume! You've gotta write more!
10/1/2010 c4 6MinervaDescent
Dood... O.O Carnal Strawberry is pretty hot. I mean, he was hot before but now he's molten. xD Update! It's been like a month and a half or something!
9/27/2010 c4 46Tiryn
that was... interesting. Hope you update soon ^^
9/20/2010 c4 rainbowdragongirl101
I like this so far, it's interesting. ^_^
9/12/2010 c4 ToshiroHitsugayagirlfriend
Luv it a lot!
9/3/2010 c4 5wolviegurl
Great chapter, I can't wait for more.
8/30/2010 c4 ninjamonkey20
Oh my gosh! I love this story and this chapter, especially the carnal side of Ichigo. I can't wait for them to be introduced and see what happens. Please update as soon as you get a chance!
8/19/2010 c3 wolviegurl
Oh, I loved this chapter. I can't wait until she gets to know Ichigo and his Hollow better. Please update soon!
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