11/15/2010 c6 Zephie-Cakes
OMG! I love this story and Im not a huge fan of UlquHime but you have made me like the pairing more. Its so great! ^-^
OMG! I love this story and Im not a huge fan of UlquHime but you have made me like the pairing more. Its so great! ^-^
11/15/2010 c6
10Osiris's Consort
...My brain just melted.
Dear gods above, your story is mind-bending and sexy and painful and SWEET DAMN THIS IS AWESOME.
It was a lovely little gem to find and I'm extremely glad I started reading. Seriously. You're amazing.

...My brain just melted.
Dear gods above, your story is mind-bending and sexy and painful and SWEET DAMN THIS IS AWESOME.
It was a lovely little gem to find and I'm extremely glad I started reading. Seriously. You're amazing.
11/13/2010 c6 anony
hey update soon, loved it^^
hey update soon, loved it^^
11/13/2010 c4 CelesFe199
Oh. My. God.
this fanfic is awesome, such details and you captured the character's traits and personalities to absolute perfection.
Amazing, Breath-taking and intoxicating. those words alone cannot describe how incredible your style of writing is.
Please update i am dying for more!
Oh. My. God.
this fanfic is awesome, such details and you captured the character's traits and personalities to absolute perfection.
Amazing, Breath-taking and intoxicating. those words alone cannot describe how incredible your style of writing is.
Please update i am dying for more!
11/12/2010 c6 Onlynameleft
Dawh! Thanks for the shout out. *blushes* :)
But... well, I'll get the critique out of the way first before I give the awesome plusses to the story...
Okay, to start off it looks like you were rushed a bit in typing this. I'm glad for the update, but I think you ended up thinking faster than you typed. It happpens to a lot of writers even if they aren't hurried though so I may be wrong. A quick fix is in obtaining a grammar check for you computer. Yes. It will be annoying considering you write in poetic one words and phrases throughout the story, but it will help with all your regular sentences too.
The poetic tone was still present thankfully even if the non-poetic narrative bits looked a bit rushed.
Okay, enough of that on with the positive!
I love the change to Aizen an Nniotra's POV's. You even changed the tone as you were writing. Aizens narrative/dialogue/thoughts were very matter of fact and caculating. Meanwhile the narrative/dialogue/thoughts of Nniotra were crude and frank. Both reflected the characters. Well done!
The second big plus was your creativity. Aizen knowing what's going on through area reitsu dispersed throughout the walls of Las Noches is the first I've seen of this concept! Also using pheromones instead of say saliva or skin oil directly on Ulquiorra to give away the couples activities was very creative. It enabled Nniotra to gouge the situation before he even entered the rooom! Overall, great job! I'm looking foreward to the next next chapter! :D
Dawh! Thanks for the shout out. *blushes* :)
But... well, I'll get the critique out of the way first before I give the awesome plusses to the story...
Okay, to start off it looks like you were rushed a bit in typing this. I'm glad for the update, but I think you ended up thinking faster than you typed. It happpens to a lot of writers even if they aren't hurried though so I may be wrong. A quick fix is in obtaining a grammar check for you computer. Yes. It will be annoying considering you write in poetic one words and phrases throughout the story, but it will help with all your regular sentences too.
The poetic tone was still present thankfully even if the non-poetic narrative bits looked a bit rushed.
Okay, enough of that on with the positive!
I love the change to Aizen an Nniotra's POV's. You even changed the tone as you were writing. Aizens narrative/dialogue/thoughts were very matter of fact and caculating. Meanwhile the narrative/dialogue/thoughts of Nniotra were crude and frank. Both reflected the characters. Well done!
The second big plus was your creativity. Aizen knowing what's going on through area reitsu dispersed throughout the walls of Las Noches is the first I've seen of this concept! Also using pheromones instead of say saliva or skin oil directly on Ulquiorra to give away the couples activities was very creative. It enabled Nniotra to gouge the situation before he even entered the rooom! Overall, great job! I'm looking foreward to the next next chapter! :D
11/11/2010 c6
20Goddess of Night Eternal Faith
Ahhhh! Fight between Nnoritora and Ulquiorra can't wait for the outcom

Ahhhh! Fight between Nnoritora and Ulquiorra can't wait for the outcom
11/11/2010 c6
As usual, this chapter was beyond amazing :). The Ulquihime scenes were beautifully written. Their love and affections for one another are portrayed so vividly through out this story. In this chapter you captured the feelings between them perfectly. On another note, I really enjoyed your description of Aizen's internal words regarding the walls and his "pawns," it was creative and very much on point with his character. It seems as though the plot is thickening and I can't wait to find out what is going to happen between Nnoitra and Ulquiorra. I was definitely disappointed when Nnoitra interrupted Ulquiorra and Orihime's moment:) but I am anxious to find out how far their conflict will go. I'm waiting in suspense for the next chapter so please update soon!:)

As usual, this chapter was beyond amazing :). The Ulquihime scenes were beautifully written. Their love and affections for one another are portrayed so vividly through out this story. In this chapter you captured the feelings between them perfectly. On another note, I really enjoyed your description of Aizen's internal words regarding the walls and his "pawns," it was creative and very much on point with his character. It seems as though the plot is thickening and I can't wait to find out what is going to happen between Nnoitra and Ulquiorra. I was definitely disappointed when Nnoitra interrupted Ulquiorra and Orihime's moment:) but I am anxious to find out how far their conflict will go. I'm waiting in suspense for the next chapter so please update soon!:)
11/11/2010 c6
Things were getting intense and super hot! Too bad Nnoitora had to show up. Damn him and his perverted thoughts on Orihime.
This is good. Keep it up!

Things were getting intense and super hot! Too bad Nnoitora had to show up. Damn him and his perverted thoughts on Orihime.
This is good. Keep it up!
11/11/2010 c6 nypsy
aizen is awful! he set him up just to jerk him around? and is he trying to get spoony killed? ulqui is higher ranked so he's apt to win... expendable assets, ok, but shouldn't he want them lost in his service as opposed to jealous rage?
as usual, words leap off the page.
aizen is awful! he set him up just to jerk him around? and is he trying to get spoony killed? ulqui is higher ranked so he's apt to win... expendable assets, ok, but shouldn't he want them lost in his service as opposed to jealous rage?
as usual, words leap off the page.
11/10/2010 c3 nypsy
wow! so poetic, beautifully written. ulqui's inner thoughts are sooo painful & passionate! awesome.
wow! so poetic, beautifully written. ulqui's inner thoughts are sooo painful & passionate! awesome.
11/10/2010 c1 Tina Caps
This chapter wanted to make me cry T_T
I wish for Ulquiorra to come back, mainly because he is my favorite Espada and also Grimmjow. So sad, they are gone already, then again, that's the beauty of fanfiction, we have the power to bring them back to life... bwahahaha!
This chapter wanted to make me cry T_T
I wish for Ulquiorra to come back, mainly because he is my favorite Espada and also Grimmjow. So sad, they are gone already, then again, that's the beauty of fanfiction, we have the power to bring them back to life... bwahahaha!
11/10/2010 c6 IceFire Dragon Alchemist73
Oh yeah get him ulquiorra don't let him touch what belongs to you. XD
Oh yeah get him ulquiorra don't let him touch what belongs to you. XD