Just In
for When you're gone

9/28/2015 c8 4LiliumHeart
I loved every sentence of this story, it was just amazing and the songs are soooo right! They love each other so much and miss each other like hell... Well done :)
Yeah, I was looking for inspiration again. And I think I found what I was looking for, thank you for writing this five years ago! :p
1/3/2015 c7 QUEEN MOON
9/25/2013 c6 snowcasterwill
i love ti
9/17/2013 c3 snowcasterwill
i love it i cant waet to read the next chapteor
9/15/2013 c1 snowcasterwill
i love this chaptor
6/28/2013 c6 1hope000
that was really good
6/28/2013 c5 hope000
it not boring i loved it
6/28/2013 c1 hope000
loved it
6/16/2013 c8 2Awesome4Life
Love love love sooo cute XD and love the song choices especially the last two.i love your work and it turns out we actually have quite alot in are one of my favs and i already follow you on up the amazayn workxx 3
2/25/2012 c8 PTAtomic78
Shows how much Dante loves her, that her apparant betrayal he is willing to forgive. All in all a good fanfic/songic. Excellently structured, and layed out. You're choice of songs are amazing, and I've actually addded a few new songs to my collection.

2/25/2012 c7 PTAtomic78
This is one of my favourite Avril Lavinge songs. Not only is it my favourite song but it fitted so well with this chapter and Zhalia's feelings.

She leaves them at first because she needs time on her own, but when she has to cry she wants Dante.

Good Job. One more chapter to go.
2/25/2012 c3 PTAtomic78
Zhalia seems so vulnerable the poor thing. The relationship with dante and Zhalia seems to be like Sherlock and Irene.

Sherlock is not so good at being very warm. It seems Zhalia wasn't either. and then they meet the person they love. Dante/Irene and they start to warm a little.
2/25/2012 c2 PTAtomic78
Again poor Dante. Zhalia left him. But after you meet a charmer like Dante you never forget them, so I supsect that she'll be back.
2/25/2012 c1 PTAtomic78
I felt so sorry for Dante caused he was missing her then smiled at the end of the chapter.
10/7/2010 c8 12Silent Blood Rose
But...but...but it doesnt say weather they find each other...
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